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Evie/Sofia POV
So I went back to get the ember.I successfully did it.Yay so now I'll prevent my powers from leaving.But in the limo
Mal:Evie you could have been hurt like I'm glad you're awake but you could have gotten...who knows what but it's still going to be bad
Evie:Mal I had to do it to get you guys out
Mal:I know but it's just..it's just that I wasn't going to lose you
Evie:aww Mal I'm never going to leave you
Evie:no problem
Ben:hey guys I don't want to ruin the moment but we are here

At their dorm
Evie:I need to hide this
Some where.
Mal:why don't you let Fairy Godmother take care of it
Evie:I-I don't know
Mal:come on she won't lose it

At Fairy Godmother's Office
FG(Fairy Godmother):Come in!
Oh Evie what do you need?
Evie:um I need a favor
FG:k what is it?
Evie:I need you to take care of this Ember
FG:oh my i-it's the Ember of course I will.
FG:I'll take good care.Bye

At her dorm
I need to change.I changed into this

With the groupJay:oh look she isn't wearing a skirt or a dress yay*claps*Evie:oh haha*sarcasticly*Anyways glad you guys are all rightCarlos:ye-Jay:told you that something bad would happen

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With the group
Jay:oh look she isn't wearing a skirt or a dress yay*claps*
Evie:oh haha*sarcasticly*
Anyways glad you guys are all right
Jay:told you that something bad would happen.Imagine if we weren't there you would be trapped there.
Evie:yea but Jay you won't under stand.I had to.
Mal:wait what did Hades mean he tested it on you
Evie:what it's really nothing
Evie:fine before I knew you guys including you*points to the Vks*I had gone somewhere where I wasn't suppose to.Then out of nowhere I was just zapped by something.But I didn't really care cause I thought it was nothing.Then I see the blue ember.I touched it.OF COURSE.But then after I touched it I had powers.Then kaboom that is also why I'm very  defensive.After Hades found out he has been trying to get all my powers.So that is why he said that.But the Ember story is way too much explaining.

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