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The next day
Ben:so everyone has everything they need
They take a flight to LA
Ben:we're here
Mal:I think we know that*giggles*
Chad:Wow this place is Different from Auradon
Audrey:OMG I need to to take a photo
Jane:Me too
Carlos:I think we all should they all take
They all take a pic
Audrey:I can't believe that Ev-I mean Sofia lives here
Jane:I know right
Mal:Why are there a bunch of  paparazzi there?
Ben:Hmm I don't know
Jay:uhh Lonnie I just saw that Sofia was on the same flight as us
Jay:yea so that must be her
Paparazzi:I like your dress
Sofia:Thank you I designed it
This was the dress she was wearing

The next day Ben:so everyone has everything they needEveryone:yea They take a flight to LABen:we're hereMal:I think we know that*giggles*Chad:Wow this place is Different from AuradonDoug:yeaAudrey:OMG I need to to take a photo Jane:Me tooCarlos:I ...

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(Pretend she designed it)
Paparazzi:Wow you can even sew
Sofia:uh yea
Paparazzi:You look stunning
Sofia:Thank you
Mal:Welcome to my world *only her friends heard*
   Then there's lots of picture flashes
Chad:*in his head*Wow she's hot
   Ben grabs Sofia(not in a harmful way)
Ben:k um that's Enough
Paparazzi walks away
Sofia:Thank you so much.Who are you guys anyways?
Evie/Sofia POV
Ben grabbed me by my wrist taking me away from the paparazzi.THANK GOD.Anyways I thanked him and asked him who he was cause obviously I'm not blowing my cover
Sofia:Thank you so much.Who are you guys anyways?
Ben:I'm King Ben and my girlfriend Mal and our friends-
He was cut off by Chad
Chad:Well hello there I'm Chad Charming.My mom is Cinderella and My dad is Prince Charming(idk his real name)Then Audrey nugged him
Sofia:*giggles*Hi and Hi Ben Hi Mal and Hi to his friends
Jay:I'm Jay
Lonnie:I'm Lonnie
Jane:I'm Jane
Audrey:I'm Audrey
Carlos:I'm Carlos
Doug:and I'm Doug
I kinda blushed when Doug talked
Sofia:Well Hello guys so do you guys have any where to stay?
Ben:No but why are you offering us something?
Sofia:Well because you got the Paparazzi out of my way which I'm thankful for.
Ben:Oh well thank you
Sofia:Well let's go to my house then.
Ben:Well ok.

                      At Sofia's house
Everyone but Sofia:Wow that's so nice
Sofia:thank you
   This was her home

     They enter her houseBen:Wow this is so beautiful and neat from outside to insideSofia:well thank youI'll show you your roomsThis is yours and Mals room

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     They enter her house
Ben:Wow this is so beautiful and neat from outside to inside
Sofia:well thank you
I'll show you your rooms
This is yours and Mals room

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