Cotillion pt.3

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Mal:Now Evie come down here
Evie:oh k am I in trouble or...
Mal:No you are not but just get down here and put this blindfold on
Evie:ohhhh k*confused*
Ben:Now no peeking
Evie:k is it a surprise?
Evie:yay I like surprises

           Everyone laughed
Jane:so you ready
Chad:k lets take her
Audrey:ready lets take her come on careful careful careful and we are-
Ben:here.*mouths to everyone start singing as he takes Evies blindfoldoff*
Everyone:Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Evie Happy birthday to you (ik that isn't how it goes but just go with it)
Evie:*is shocked and has happy tears*Guys you guys knew?But how?
Ben:I actually found out
Evie:Thank you Ben sorry if I ruined yours and Mals special day
Ben:no you didn't
Evie:aww thank you guys,you guys are so thoughtful
Mal:you welcome now make your wish
Evie:*makes her wish*Wait aren't I turning 19 not 18?
Ben:yea about that you were actually born in 1999
Evie:oh no
Evie:I'm stuck with Carlos and Jane
Both of them:Hey!
Evie:I'm kidding...lil bro and lil sis
Carlos:Hey you can't-dang it your a month older
Evie:Still the youngest lil bro this must burn Carlos this must burn bad(yes I got that from ravens home)

Everyone laughs

Ben:ok cut the tension you two
Mal:eat a piece off of the 1 layered cake
Mal:just do it
Goes in to take a bite but the others(Jay,Carlos,Mal) pushed her whole face in there.
Mal:*laughing*What it's funny and neccessary and now you have cake on your face
Evie:*grabs some cake and puts it on Mals face*Who's talking now.*laughs*
Mal:Evie!!!*takes some off her face and trys to put it on her Evie*
Jay and Carlos:*laughing*
Evie and Mal:*take the cake off their faces and put it on them*
Evie:The core 4
The core 4:yea
Evie:we are definitely taking a pic*takes one*
Ben:laughing*now clean your faces.

After they cleaned their faces

Mal:I actually have a gift for Evie she has watched this but she doesn't remember
Evie:What is it

After watching this
Evie:*in tears*aww Mal thank you
Mal: you're welcome
Evie:I'll never forget you guys cause we are family and family sticks together

After they ate cake then had more fun then they went back to their dorms to sleep   

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