Rember Me,Remember us?

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The next day
Ben:So I called you guys because of Evie
Mal:Why isn't she here?
Thomas:yea is she in trouble
Ben:No and it's a surprise
Thomas and Mal:Oh ok
Ben:So Cotillion is July 10 right?
Jay:yea why?
Ben:Well because I found out her birthday is that same day
Ben:Yup so I want to do something special.Since you know she is nice and does so much for us
Ben:You guys will be surprised at her age she isn't as old as you think*smirks*
Mal:Is she older than all us?
Ben:Nope she is turning...........18
Everyone else in the room:WHAT?
Audrey:Aren't you guys suppose to know already?
Mal,Jay,and Carlos:We never celebrated our birthdays over there.
Carlos:Evie was the only one who didn't know her birthday but she never cared cause she thought she was the same age as Mal and Jay.
Audrey:oh sorry for asking
Mal:it's ok
Ben:Well here we will also celebrate Carlos and Everyones but you know since yours and Jay's passed next year.
Mal and Jay:Yea

Narrator POV
They discuss what they want to do for her birthday (I'm not telling you anything about it cause it's a surprise)
They get out the room with smiles but then see something no one should see

Evie/Sofia POV
I was looking For Mal,Ben,Doug,Lonnie,Jay,Chad,
Audrey,Jane,Carlos,and Thomas.I looked everywhere.Their dorms,The girls bathroom,made a boy go in the boy restroom to see if they were there,Ben's office,outside,the museum,the halls.I checked everywhere they aren't there.Then I thought of one room I haven't checked.I was going there when I accidentally bumped into a guy
The guy:Sorry?Sorry?SORRY?I'll give you something to be sorry about*puts his fist in the air*
Evie:I said sorry*she tries to run but he grabs her and punches her*
After that I saw all black.
I ran to my best friend who I just saw get punched.She was bleeding that punch was hard.
Thomas followed then everyone else
Ben had guards arrest the guy.We rushed her to the hospital.
          At the hospital
Mal:*in the waiting crying*
Jane POV
I was smiling one second then worried/tearing up cause Evie was like a big sister to me and she was bleeding.

The doctor came in and told us some news
Doctor:so follow me to see her.
We go to a room.There she is.She is alive.I smile
We went into the room.
Doctor:So um there is some news I need to tell you.
Everyone:what is it?
Doctor:She has um mem-
Before he said anything I ran to her and hugged her
Mal:Evie I'm glad you are alright
Evie:Thank you but who are you?
Doctor:She has memory lost.Also don't  try to force her to make her remember things cause that will take even longer
But good thing you brought here here asap if not she would have not made it because of all the blood that was coming out
Ben:k thank you Doctor
Doctor:Your welcome king Ben
      The doctor left
Mal:What do you mean you don't know know me Evie I'm...I'm your best friend

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