I need you back

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(This chapter is like the shake it up last episode where Cece lost her memory but got it back also like full house when Michelle gets her memory back)
Evie/Sofia POV
*1 month later*
Well it's been one month (that's what I'v been told by my Mal)since I lost my memory I still don't have it back but I can't remember.But I still don't know some people.But eh.
Evie:Hey M.......m.........m...
Evie:yes where is the b.....b...
Mal:blue fabric umm I don't know
Evie:oh.....Never mind Found it.

Then Mal came out but I stopped and I had flashbacks.Then my head started hurting.Then Mal got me out of my thoughts
Evie:your not my friend
Mal:what do you mean?
Evie:what I mean is that you stuffed me into Cruellas closet
Mal:What that was a long time ago.

When I came out Evie stopped and was staring at nothing.Then she said I wasn't Her bestfriend.
Mal:What that happened a long time ago.

Then she left.I followed her because I needed to see where she was going to.

Evie/Sofia POV
I left to Gia's dorm.
Evie:Hey Gia it's me Evie
Gia:Hey Evie
Gia:What brings you here?
Gia:come on tell me
Evie:fine I got into f. .....
Evie:yea with my friend
Gia:about what?
Evie:oh um nothing that important.
Evie:thank you for understanding *does their handshake*
Gia:*smiles*no problem
Mal:I thought we were never going to replace eachother*has tears in her eyes*
Evie:M......m......I'm not
Mal:then what was that?
Evie:I just needed to talk to someone about what happened
Mal:but the handshake?
Evie:This*does their  handshake*
Mal:STOP that
Evie:well it's just we are friends too.
Mal:Evie we need you look I'm sorry I locked you there when you were 2
Evie I need you back*tears roll down her cheek*all of us need you back come back best friend we have been bffs since we were 3/4
Evie:Im sorry I just can't remember
Mal:*plops to the floor and crys*
Mal:*looks at Evie*Evie yo.....you remembered
Evie:yea*confused on what is happening*thank you Gia
Gia:No problem *smiles*bye

  Mal grabs her bye the wrist and starts running with her
Evie:um M what's happening?
Mal:you'll see

                 Goes to the group
The group:Evie and Mal
Hey guys
Mal:tell them
Evie:tell them what
Mal:never mind they will find out on their own
Ben:what will we find out
Mal:you'll see line up in in a line facing us
The group:k*confused*
Mal:*Whispers to Evie*Go down the line and say their names
Let me start
Doug,and Mal
The group:*Shocked*
Thomas:her memory is back
Evie:What do you mean?
Ben:You had gotten punched which caused you to lose your memory.
they all do a group hug
Evie:well no more worries I'm here but-
Mal:no buts
Ben let's celebrate
Everyone else:k

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