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Sofia/Evie POV
So I can't wait till I move here.I'm going to Surprise Mal and the group with the news.I see the group and go up to them.
Sofia:hey guys
Sofia:I wished I lived here
Mal:Me too so you could be closer
Sofia:I know so I am
Sofia:Surprise!!!And yes
Sofia:I'm still thinking where to go though
Mal:you could move in to my dorm
And Thomas could move in too Chad's dorm.
Sofia:Yea that would work out
Babe your moving into Chad's dorm.
Thomas:k cool.
Mal:So when are you moving in?
Sofia:Maybe today?
Mal:Yea that would work
Sofia:So ima start *snaps fingers*DONE!!
Mal:Wow your magic came handy
Sofia:Ik but I got to go to L.a to say goodbye to my friends and Also Thomas
Sofia:*calls Thomas*Hey lets go back to L.A to tell our friends goodbye

                 Both at L.a
  Saying there last goodbyes to there friends

Sofia:Well this is s goodbye but I'll visit*tears roll down her cheek*
Sabrina:*tears also roll down her cheek*I'll miss you bye
         They go back to Auradon
               Later on that day
Sofia:I want to dye my hair back to blue again
Mal:Well if you want to then do it
Sofia:k but when does school start?
Jane:in a week
Sofia:k I'll dye it the day before school starts
Lonnie:When are you going to tell people that you're Evie?
Sofia:I don't know.
Mal:well whenever you're ready

        Time skip to the day before school starts cause I'm lazy

So today I'll be dyeing my hair back to blue.

Sofia:Don't tell anyone and don't let anyone see me with blue hair

       This is my hair now

Bye brown,hello blue                             The next dayI have decided to wear this

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Bye brown,hello blue
                 The next day
I have decided to wear this

Bye brown,hello blue                             The next dayI have decided to wear this

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No one will expect this

I walk out the Restroom

(Besides the hair)
Mal:Wow E
Sofia:Does it look good?
Mal:yea it does actually.
No one will expect me to be back

             They walk to school
Evie:I'm back*laughs*
The rest of the school:OMG IT'S EVIE YAY
                Talks to the teens/friends
Evie:yea I went on a ....Vacation
Evie:yea it was the best
Talks to the rest of the teens
  Goes to classes
Evie:Oh this is so easy
Chad:not really
Evie:well then pay attention
Chad:but it's boring
               Bell rings*end of school*
Evie:well I got to go,bye
Thomas:Hey babe
Sofia:hey what u want to do?
Thomas:I honestly don't know
Sofia:I'm just bored,  well Im just going to my dorm to sew so bye

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