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6:30 a.m.
Evie:ugh I don't want to get up
Mal:well just get up
Me and Mal got ready for school
I wore this

Evie:ugh I don't want to get upMal:well just get upEvie:fineMe and Mal got ready for schoolI wore this

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And Mal wore this

And Mal wore this

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7:00 a.m.
Sofia:Were done now lets go it's getting late
Mal:k let's go
We were running to breakfast when I accidentally bumped into someone
Sofia:I am so sorry....Doug?
Doug:it's ok but I need to talk to you about something
Sofia:How about after school I need to get going bye.
Doug:k bye

Doug POV
So last night I realized the mistake I made.Today I will apologize to Evie after school.

Evie/Sofia POV
Evie:Hey babe
Thomas:Hey want to go on a date?tonight?
Thomas pick you up at 5?
Well I got to go
                       After school
Evie:So what were you going to tell me Doug?
Doug:that I'm sorry for everything I did I don't know what was going on with me I guess I was just jealous I guess
Evie:it's ok I mean every boy probably gets jealous at times.
Doug:So we are good?
Evie:Yes.*takes out her hand*Friends?
Dougs:*Shakes it*Friends.
Evie:well I got to get going.Bye

So this is what I'm wearing to the date

So this is what I'm wearing to the date

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                      5 p.m.
Evie:Close your mouth something is going to go in you know*giggles*
Thomas:uh......yea yea *notices Mal doing a "if you hurt her you will be dead"look
Evie:well bye M
Thomas:shall we?
Evie:we shall.*smiles*
                     They get there

Evie:This is beautiful Thomas:it's good that you like it *smiles*Evie:how did you come up with this?Thomas:I don't even knowEvie:*chuckles*Narrator POV They have a good date night

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Evie:This is beautiful
Thomas:it's good that you like it *smiles*
Evie:how did you come up with this?
Thomas:I don't even know
Narrator POV
They have a good date night.Everything went as planned.
They went to there dorms
Evie:Thank you for the night

A/n Sorry if it's short but hopefully it's good

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