Happily ever after pt.2

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Evie:He is going to attack anytime soon just for my powers
Mal:we need to keep you hidden
Evie:yea I guess that would work
But where would I hide
Ben:I have an under ground under the castle it's secret only the group my parents and Fairy Godmother know about
Mal:I guess
So right now we are good

A blue cloud appears

Evie:or not um Ben mind showing me that hidden place
Ben:sure follow

They get to that place

Evie:Wow very Ele
Ben:yea it's like that since most of the royals that live here go in here just in case you know

Then the door opens

Belle:oh Ben there you are
Adam:We were so worried

They noticed Evie and Mal there

Belle:*whispers*what are they doing here?
Belle:*looks at him*
Ben:Well um You know how um Auradon is getting you know um attacked
Ben:that is because they want Evie.They want to get her to take something she has.
Belle:oh well then make sure she stays here.We wouldn't want her to get hurt.
Ben:k thanks mom
Evie:um Belle do you know what is happening out their?
Belle:well um Hades is trying to look for you but he is also ruining Auradon
Evie:oh no what have I done!I need to go out and save Auradon or else we'll die
Belle:sweetie you can't go out or else who knows what could happen.
Evue:I have too and I've done it before please I need to save Auradon or else it's all going to be my fault.
Belle:um......ok but please be careful
Evie:don't worry I will


Hades:oh I was looking for you to destroy you once and for all
Evie:ha try me!
Hades:oh you'll regret saying that
Hades:you will

They begin to fight with their powers.Now Everyone in Auradon is watching on TV but they can't help cause they don't have powers like Evie.

Hades:oh how foolish of you trying to get my ember
Evie:give it I need it to save our parts of the world
Evie:seems like you want to die
*grabs the Ember* Aha
Hades:give it
I just saved my world

Then it struck her

Evie:ha don't mess with me

Inside Evie,she was clearly exhausted and look like she was about to faint

Evie:now for the last part put you back in the isle.BYE
*teleports him to the isle*

Everyone came out of their "hiding" spot and Congratulated Evie.

Person:you did so well
Evie:thank you
Person 2:yea
Person 3:YEA!
Person4:so You did it

Everyone kept on cheering she was on the verge on fainting

Adam:you did well
Belle:yes you did thank you for saving Auradon.
Evie:yea no problem

Evie looked at nothing then Everything went black

Mal:Evie?Evie you all right?
someone help me
Belle:oh dear um
The hospital

At the hospital

Doctor:Evie Queens family?
The group:yes?
Doctor:well she is fine but she is in a coma.

1 month later

Mal:*in tears*please wake up Evie
Doctor:if she doesn't wake up by tomorrow then we are just going to have to do it
Ben:it's going to be ok Mal
Mal:how do you know?
Ben:because I just do

The next day
Mal:*crying*Please wake up Evie I can't lose you
Mal:*looks up*EVIE!!! You're awake!!
Jay:Woah what happened- EVIE you're awake

Then the whole group including Belle and Adam entered the room.
Belle:Evie sweetie
The group:EVIE!!
Evie:Hello guys I know you guys are excited and all but what happened?
Mal:Well after you fought Hades everyone was cheering you on and then you ended up fainting.
Evie:For how long?
Carlos:A month
Evie:oh gosh

Then the doctor came in

Doctor:well you could leave today
Evie:great thank you
Ben:You see Mal told you Everything was going to be ok

Evie/Sofia POV

I go to my dorm and Change into this

I go to my dorm and Change into this

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Ben:we should celebrate Auradon being Saved by EvieMal:yea we should go out and take her to her favorite placeThe group:yea

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Ben:we should celebrate Auradon being Saved by Evie
Mal:yea we should go out and take her to her favorite place
The group:yea......hey Evie
Mal:So we are going out to take you to Eat
Evie:awww thanks guys
Everyone:no problem

They go to eat and have a blast

Evie:Hey guys thank you for this Amazing night
The group:no problem

Then they all cuddled with Each other and watched a movie

                     THE END

I hope that wasn't a bad Ending. But I also hoped you liked this book.I am going to make sequel and I'm making a new book called"Together Again".
Bye see you next time

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