Chapter 1

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I stepped through the open doorto the balcony outside my room, pulling my cloak tightly aroundmyself. I wore just my nightgown beneath it and my bare feetprotested as I tip toed as best I could on the cold stone ground. Mymind was so preoccupied, I didn't even think to pull the door closedbehind me.

October had brought a freezingchill with it and I shuddered, exhaling a sigh and watching my breathfloat from my lips and up toward the stars. I'd been seeing a lot ofthe stars since I'd progressed into the seventh month of mypregnancy. I woke, most nights, from a restless sleep to roam thecastle. I usually wound up outside. I was drawn out there,inexplicably.

As I stared out toward the openfields near the stables that led to the Briarwood, my mind wanderedand I completely forgot about the cold. I didn't hear my husbandapproach. Anders slipped his arms around my waist, hugging my swollenbelly and said, "Couldn't sleep?"

I sighed again, leaning into hiswarm chest. "As usual."

"Please come inside, luv,you're going to catch cold," he whispered gently.

I reluctantly allowed him to leadme inside and close the door. He waved his hand and the tricklingflames in the fireplace roared back to life. He led me over and satme in the chair closest to the blaze. "I'm fine," Iinsisted, rubbing my belly.

He knelt in front of me, gazingup at me with concern swimming in his bright green eyes. "Ana,darling, you're wandering around outside, barefoot, in the middle ofwinter, at all hours of the night. I'd hardly consider that fine,"he chided.

"Fall," I corrected, myvoice coming out not quite as teasing as I'd intended, and no smileaccompanied it.

"Pardon me, little warrior,"he rolled his eyes. "Middle of fall. Though you wouldn't know itfrom the frost on the ground."

"Stop worrying," Iscolded. "It will make you old before your time."

It was his turn to sigh. "Ican't help worrying. You're acting awfully odd, even for you. Whatwould Reif say if he knew you were leaving our bed in your conditionto wander aimlessly for hours?"

"He won't know," Igrowled, my voice threatening.

Anders took my still cold hands,cupped them in his and blew his warm breath onto them. "You'vepractically got icicles hanging from your nose, luv," he smiled,leaning forward to kiss my nose. He'd dropped the argument, notwanting to get me fired up.

I smiled as he moved to kiss mylips. "I think I'm ready to go back to bed," I said.

He stood, holding out a helpinghand to me. His smile was hopeful. "Will you sleep?" heasked.

I shrugged as he pulled me to myfeet. "Maybe. No promises," I said.

"Maybe? That's a start,"he said as I sat on the edge of the bed and he helped me get my feetup. Soon I was lying on my side and he was curled behind me, hischest pressed against my back. One of his arms snaked around my waistand he rubbed my stomach slowly. "You know I'm just trying toprotect you and our baby," he said softly.

I nodded. "I know." Hisabnormally high body temperature was already starting to warm mychilled skin. "I love how warm you always are," Icommented, slowly drifting in and out of wakefulness. I was so tired.

"That's it, luv," hesoothed, not changing any of his movements, realizing he was lullingme to sleep.

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