Chapter 20

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We set out the next day onhorseback, heading southwest. I remembered it only taking West threedays to find him and return to Malourne when Stefan had beenpossessed. I guessed it would be a bit longer for us. Four dayslater, Balthazar railed against my shields, fighting us every step ofthe way. He was gaining so much control that finally Stardust had tobe lashed to Weston's horse and I had to ride in front of Reifwhile he used his superior strength to hold my arms tight to my chestwith one of his and control Spirit with the other.

I was struggling against himfiercely and he begged me gently in my ear, "Please, Stasia, fightthe demon. I do not want to have to restrain you with more than myarms."

I growled and twisted in hisgrip, dislodging myself and slipping off the still moving horse. Ibolted, running as fast as I could, my heart pounding withadrenaline. I didn't make it far before Reif caught up to me,pinning my arms to my sides and lifting me clear off the ground. Ikicked and screamed. "Let me go, half breed!"

Reif squeezed harder and mybreathing became difficult. "I told you to fight, Stasia!" hegrowled. Fight him!!He yelled in my head.

I came back to myself, breathingheavily. "Stop!" I gasped. "I have him!"

Reif cautiously loosened his gripand lowered my feet back to the ground. When I didn't struggle ortry to get free, he sighed. "Good girl," he whispered, kissing myneck softly.

"Wow, she's fast," Westsaid, catching up to us panting.

"My bond and Balthazar'sinfluence give her quite the advantage," Reif agreed.

I turned to face them. "Do wehave much further, West?" My whole body trembled with the effort tocontain the angry demon.

"A matter o' miles if 'e isthere," he assured me.

"We need to hurry. Reif, youneed to restrain me," I said.

"I'm doing my best," hesaid apologetically.

"I meant with rope," Icorrected. "I can't hold him. I can feel him. He's just belowthe surface. I don't have the strength left. He knows what'shappening and he'll hurt you or me, if he can, to stop us." Reiflooked hesitant and I pleaded. "Please, Reif!"

He caressed my cheek lookingheartsick. "I'm so sorry, SalonulSange."

"Don't apologize! Help!" Iinsisted, walking back toward the horses.

I finished the journey with myarms tied together at the wrist and bound to the horn of Reif'ssaddle. Balthazar was seething inside my head, murmuring obscenitiesand rambling about revenge. West stopped us outside a dilapidated hutthat I would never have seen if he hadn't pointed it out, it was soovergrown with vines. Before we could dismount and investigate, thedoor blew open violently. I felt Reif tense behind me and my handsitched to pull my own weapons. "What are you doing on my property?"Marl demanded toddling out his door, his beard still hung over hisarm so it wouldn't drag on the ground and I swear he wore the samerobes he wore the first time I'd met him.

"Calm down ye ol' bat! I'sjus' me, Weston!" West dismounted his horse and headed towardhim.

His eyes narrowed and he squintedat West. "Oh, you didn't say you were coming."

"I didna know. This is kinda anemergency," he explained.

Marl's eyes flicked to me andReif and he smiled. "You've brought me a demon! You're becomingquite the headhunter, my friend."

"I's no big deal. I'vebrough' ye the same demon in a new host," West shrugged.

Marl looked at me. "Curious,"he said as I felt him probing my aura.

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