Chapter 23

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Anders left us like that for aweek, turning my mood sour. I was returning from a long ride in theBriarwood when I ran into Emmeline. "I was just looking for you,"she smiled. "I was going into town to pick up some spellingredients and I wondered if you would like to come. We could grabsome lunch too. Wen's already agreed to come and I'm bringingSteph so I can show her what to look for when shopping for spells."

I smiled. "Sure, just let meput on some fresh clothes. Feel free to walk with me."

"Of course," she agreed.

I still kept most of my clothesin the room Anders and I shared so we started toward that part of thecastle. I stopped just outside the door when I heard Stefan's voiceraised in anger. "Take a look at your son, Anders! Think of theother two! The days they were born, were they not the three best daysof your life?" Anders said nothing and I sighed. "You love Anamore than anything in this world. Why do you think this hurts somuch? You once told me she was a treasure."

"That was before she startedlying and running behind my back with another woman," Andersgrowled.

Em took my hand comfortingly as Igasped. "You don't know what it's like being under hiscontrol," Stefan defended me. "You of all people know howstubborn Ana is. She didn't ask for help because she thought shecould handle it. It got the best of her by going after what shecherishes the most. Don't you see? Her body betrayed you, but herheart was always yours."

Anders was silent again as heabsorbed Stefan's words. "I just... I need some time," hesighed.

"If you take too much, you maylose her," Stefan warned.

I heard footsteps approaching andrecognized Stefan's quiet gait. I pulled Em away from the door asit swung open. Stefan saw us eavesdropping and closed the door,exchanging a hopeful smile with me and a shy, flirtatious one withEmmeline. He walked off silently. "I don't think I'll bejoining you," I said dropping her hand and chasing after Stefan."Hey," I said catching up with him.

"Hey," he smiled.

"I heard what you said backthere. I just... I wanted to thank you," I said.

"Someone had to put that nitwitin his place." He smirked.

I smiled. "I'm sure he wasthrilled it was you."

He shrugged. "I was returningthe favor. I'm a little sick of watching you suffer! He knowsbetter."

"Spell or no, demon or no, Idon't blame him for being upset. I wouldn't want to walk in onhim kissing you," I sighed.

He raised an eyebrow. "I canalmost guarantee thatwill never happen."

I slapped his arm. "You knowwhat I meant." I couldn't help smiling.

"Listen, Ana," he stepped infront of me, effectively stopping me in my tracks. "I have never inmy life met two people more in love than you and Anders. I mean, Ithink Emmy and I have a shot, but we're still getting to know eachother. You two have been through somuch and you still know that at the end of the day the other is goingto be there to dry your tears. Anders may have sustained a wound tohis pride, but let's face it, that bloke never had much to beginwith."

I smiled at his joke, but thewords hit home. "Did you tell him that?" I brushed a tear off mycheek as I laughed.

"I could go right now if youwant," he joked, making as if to step around me.

I put a hand on his chest and weshared a smile. "I never thought I'd see the day youmade more sense than he did."

"Was that a compliment?" hegasped.

"Shut up! It'll go to yourhead," I warned.

He chuckled. "We can't havethat!"

"What would you say to a bit ofhand to hand?" I asked sighing.

He grinned. "Let me check onHenry and I'll meet you out there."

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