Chapter 18

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Anders and I went through a bitof a dry spell as he tried to get over the fact that I was sharing mybody with a man. The more frustrating fact of the matter was thatReif was avoiding touching me too much as well.

"Have they explained theirhang-ups?" Em asked me one day before one of our sessions as Iranted about my anxious libido.

"Well for Anders, it's simplythe weirdness of knowing another man is watching. Reif, he tells methe temptation to sink fangs into my neck when we touch is toooverwhelming," I explained.

She frowned. "That must be likehaving an urge to eat rotten fruit. No offense."

I shook my head. "You'reright! I'll be so glad when this bastard is gone."

"You're making greatprogress," she smiled, touching my hand gently as it rested on myknee.

My skin tingled in reaction. Whenshe didn't remove her hand, I looked up at her. It was obvious fromher expression that she felt the spark as well. "Em..." Iwhispered.

Her gaze fell to our hands as shestarted playing our fingers together, twining and untwining, pressingour palms together and tracing the lines of my palm with delicatefingers. "It's strange. Before we met, I was never partial to thecharms of another woman. I'd even thought of myself with Stefan."

"He's a good man," I agreedabsently.

"But now it seems I've fallenunder your spell, Ana," she looked up, her crystalline eyes meetingmine with a look so intense, my heart tugged.

My mind raged as my body tookover. "You're the witch," I smiled. "Perhaps it is I who wasbe-spelled."

She leaned in close and I faintlyheard Balthazar laugh. Heplanned this! He's behind it!My mind screamed. My body hummed a different tune as her long blondehair fell to caress my bare arm.

Our lips met, gently at first,both of us testing the waters. Her lips were soft, just as I'dimagined and I ran a hand up her silky sleeve to her shoulder. Sheslid closer to me and my hand ventured further of its own accord torun through her hair at the base of her skull. The kiss intensifiedas we both fell to Balthazar's will. I opened my mouth to her, ourtongues exploring desperately, as my free hand cupped her breast. Ifelt her nipples harden beneath the silky fabric of the robes I'dnoticed matched her eyes perfectly.

Just as I was ready to take ouractions further, I heard someone gasp. Balthazar's spell broke atthe intrusion and I snapped away from Em so fast I fell backwardsonto the bed. When I looked around her to see Anders, I froze. "Ohno," I whispered, my hand flying up to my mouth as if I could wipeaway the kiss.

Emmeline sat, dumbstruck,fingertips of one hand touching her lips and the other hand pressedagainst her stomach. "There had better be a good explanation forthis," Anders said. His voice carried a level of hurt so deep Ihadn't heard since he'd thought I was sleeping with Reif. When myresponse was not instantaneous, he turned and said, "I can't!"

I watched him take two steps awayand bolted after him, pushing past Em and tripping over her leg."Anders, wait!"

"For what?" he asked, notstopping. His words weren't angry, just sad.

I followed him, grasping hishand. "This was an accident," I said pleadingly.

"Ana, I can't listen to anymore excuses, luv," he stopped and looked at me. I recognized thelook on his face. It held the deep razor sharp pain of a brokenheart. "You keep promising you will get rid of this demon and thatyou're so bloody close you can taste it. Well, I've yet to seeresults! Just one more accident on top of the next and I simply can'thandle any more of this rubbish. Everyone has their limits." Heturned to continue walking away and I couldn't watch it happen.

"I'll go to Weston!" Iblurted. He stopped, but didn't turn to look at me. "Today! I'llleave today! I'll go to Banaila and he can take me to Marl, no moregames!"

Anders hesitated then in a smallvoice said, "Do as you wish," and walked away.

"Ana," Emmeline's quietvoice came from behind me. "I'm so sorry. I felt his spell slipoff my skin. I never meant for this."

"I know," I sighed, turningto face her. "He played us both, retaliation for trying to get ridof him, I suppose."

"What are you going to do?"she asked.

"I know a guy," I said withdetermination. "Balthazar's days are numbered."

I set out to assemble my people.Beri was the first to agree to come along. Daeron, always her shadowstepped up second. Reif was already packed when I came to his room."I know what happened," he said touching my cheek tentatively. "Iwas there. Your shields were practically nonexistent."

"I'm coming too," Stephaniesaid, entering the room. Her face held a smile.

"Does this mean I'mforgiven?" I asked.

She shrugged. "You're mymother..."

I hugged her. "Thank you," Isighed.

When I approached Stefan, hesighed. "Ana, I'm so sorry, but I don't think I can go. Someonehas to stay and help Wen and Anders care for the children." I sawthe small hint of fear on his face.

"I understand," I took hishand and squeezed, conveying I knew his true reason for stayingbehind. Balthazar had finally struck a chord in him that had beenpersonal. "Emmeline is staying behind as well."

He smiled gently. "I figured."

"Good luck," I said, givinghim a short hug which he returned enthusiastically.

 "Same to you, Ana."

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