Chapter 4

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Three days later, I decided tofight my drowsiness by taking Dante outside to play in the fresh snowfall. I was watching him pick up pieces of snow, ball them up and lobthem at one of the practice dummies, when I started to suddenly feeldizzy. I touched my forehead and Dante stopped what he was doing toapproach me. "Mama?"

I shook off the dizzy spell. "Ithink it's time to go inside, baby," I said, holding my hand outto him. He slipped his into mine and we trudged through the snow backto the castle. Once inside, I told him, "Go find Steph, okay?"

He nodded and hurried off. I sawStefan approaching. "Cold outside?" he asked. "Youwere only out there ten minutes."

I smiled. "A little. Where'sHenry?"

I was desperately fighting offanother dizzy spell as he answered. "Play date with Rev and Ren.Ana?" He could tell something was wrong.

I put a hand to my forehead andclosed my eyes. "I don't... Feel so..."

"Whoa!" Stefan swiftlycaught me as I stumbled forward. "Ana, What's wrong?"

"Dizzy," I mumbled,clutching his sleeves to keep my balance.

He pulled me close to his body."Come on. Sit down. Is the baby alright?"

He led me to the closest chairand lowered me gently down. My head lolled and I said, "I thinkso."

"Ana, I can't leave youalone, but I need to get help," he said, clearly torn.

"Get Daeron," Iinsisted, giving him a push.

He hesitated, but finally stoodand ran to get help. I sat waiting and heard Anders calling my name."Ana, I saw Dante running inside. You came in ear... Oh mygoodness, what's wrong!?" He rushed to my side.

"Stefan went to get Daeron,"I said, closing my eyes.

"What happened?" heasked.

"When we were outside, Istarted to feel dizzy," I explained, clutching the hand he slippedin mine. I could feel him frantically probing my aura, searching forthe cause of my dizziness.

"The baby?" he askeddistractedly.

"Fine... I think..." I said.

"Ana, what's going on?"Daeron came running up, Stefan on his heels.

"She said she was lightheaded,"Anders said, moving out of his way.

"I feel a little better sittingdown," I sighed, finally able to open my eyes as Daeron touched myshoulder and searched my body. The baby shifted, woken by hisattentions. I touched my stomach.

"Alright, luv?" Andersfretted.

I nodded slowly. "Daeron justdisturbed it, that's all."

"I've got nothing," Daeronsighed.

"What're you talking about?Look at her, she's notfine," Anders protested.

I touched his arm. "I'mprobably just tired," I insisted.

"No! Something's causingthis," Anders said.

"Whatever it is, it's notmedical," Daeron said assuredly. "Physically, Ana and the babyare fine."

"Well, I can't find anythingmagical." Anders sighed.

"Maybe she should lie down,"Stefan suggested.

"Good idea," I agreed. "I'lltry and get some sleep. Anders, will you walk me?"

"I could carry you," heoffered.

"No!" I pushed myself out ofthe chair. "I can walk."

"Whoa, slow down," Stefanreached out to steady me as I swayed.

I just wanted to lie down. "I'llbe alright if I can get some sleep." I sighed, sagging againstAnders. "Maybe one of your spells?"

He grimaced. "You know I don'tlike using magic on you when you're pregnant."

"If it will help," Stefanbegan.

"No," Anders insisted. "I'msorry, but it's too risky."

I felt like crying, I was sofrustrated. "Why is this happening?" I whimpered.

Anders pulled me into his armsand hugged me tightly. "We'll get through this, I promise," hewhispered.

"If I make it through this withmy sanity, it will be a sodding miracle," I said.

"Let's get you to bed," hesaid with a small smile.

He walked me to our room, helpingme into the bed and taking off my shoes. I lay on my back, rubbing mystomach distractedly. I could feel his eyes on me as I staredvacantly at the fire he'd started with the wave of his hand as soonas we'd walked in. My mind was making strange shapes out of theflames like when you stared at the clouds too long.

Anders sighed, picked up one ofmy feet, resting it on his knee and started rubbing it. He was quietfor a few more minutes then he said quietly, "What's going on inthat busy little head of yours?"

"Nothing," I lied.

"Darling," he pleaded. "Ican't help if I don't know what's happening. You're reallyscaring me." I turned to look at him and I saw tears glistening inhis eyes.

"No crying," I scolded,flashing him a smile.

He chuckled bitterly, moving tolie next to me. "That's your rule, not mine."

"It works both ways," I said,allowing him to rest his head on my shoulder as I started combing myfingers through his hair.

"But you're always strongerthan me," he pointed out.

"Not at this particularmoment," I said honestly.

"Are you going to tell mewhat's bothering you?" he prodded.

"A general, overwhelming senseof dread," I finally admitted, allowing a ragged sigh to escape mylips.

"Is it about the baby?" heasked.

I shook my head. "No... yes...I don't know," I whispered. "I just feel so... nervous all ofthe time. No matter how much I try, I can't sleep. I doze off, hereand there, but something always wakes me up." I felt thethreatening tears leaking out.

"Now who's breaking therules?" he asked, smiling and brushing the offending tears away.

My laugh was short and forced asI rolled to my side, facing my back to him. "I just want this to beover with. I feel like I'm losing my mind."

"Believe it or not, you'vegot less than two months." He tried for comforting. It only made mefeel worse, so I didn't respond. He sighed. "You'll feel betterwhen Reif arrives."

His words stung. "I'm sorry,"I apologized. "I don't mean for you to feel useless. I promise,you're helping."

"It's alright. I'm notjealous. It just makes me feel helpless. I don't like to watch yousuffering like this. It makes my stomach feel all wonky," he said,hugging me close.

I let him comfort me, sleeptugging at my mind, but not coming. I sighed, closing my eyes andpretending to sleep. I knew he probably knew better, but he took thehint anyway. He climbed out of the bed, giving me a gentle kiss on mycheek and left the room.

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