Chapter 3

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The next few days went prettymuch the same. After a week, I was feeling positively drained. When Idozed off in the library, I woke to Daeron shaking my shoulder. "Ana,that's usually done in a bed," he suggested, smiling.

I grimaced, my back protesting."Shit," I groaned.

"Come on, commander, I'llwalk you to your room," he said giving me a hand up and slippingmy ailing back some of his healing magic.

"Thanks," I smiledgratefully.

After Daeron laid me down for mynap, I thankfully had no problem falling back to sleep. I felt myselfslip into Reif's mind and smiled.

"Stasia! It is good tosee you. Are you feeling well?" he asked with concern paintinghis features.

I shrugged. "Exhausted,"I confessed.

"I can feel that. Aren'tyou sleeping?" He looked really upset.

"Not well," I said."Something's not right."

"The baby? Is everythingokay?" He worried.

"Daeron said everythingwas fine. I just... I keep feeling like something bad is going tohappen," I revealed.

"I'm coming home,"he said.

"No," I saidtouching his arm. "Your kingdom..."

"Zane can handle it. I'mgoing to leave at once," he insisted, taking my hand. "Youshould have informed me sooner." He touched my cheek.

"I didn't want you toworry. I get enough of that from Anders," I sighed. "But Iam glad you're coming."

"Two weeks," hepromised. Reif was the only one I knew who could travel that fastfrom Lunda. It truly was a feat.

"I'll be here," Ismiled.

My dream faded and I awoke."Dammit!" I cursed. Usually shared dreams with my vampireward helped me sleep. I couldn't have slept more than an hour.

"Mama? Is everythingalright?" My daughter Stephanie's voice made me turn my head.She was standing in my doorway holding her brother's hand.

"What's wrong?" I askedstruggling to sit up when I saw the tears in Dante's eyes. I held myarms out and he dropped her hand and ran to me, climbing into the bedwith me and cuddling into my arms.

"He fell outside." Sherolled her eyes. "He barely scraped his knee and Daeron healedit straight away, but he is still whining. I told him you shouldn'tbe disturbed."

"Its fine," I saidtrying to cull the concern in her eyes. "I've good news foryou."

"You've heard from Reif?!"she guessed excitedly, approaching the bed and sitting on the edge,drawing one knee up to her chin.

I nodded and smiled. "He'scoming home in two weeks."

She squealed excitedly. "He'scoming early!"

I rolled my eyes. "He seemsto think I'm in some dire peril."

Her smile faded. "Dante, gofind Da."

"No," he whined,hugging me tighter.

She made a disgusted sound androlled her eyes again. "Stop acting like a baby."

"You're a baby," hecountered.

"Stop, both of you," Iscolded. "Steph, go find your father and tell him about Reif."

She scowled, obviously upset Iwouldn't talk to her. "Fine," she sighed as Dante stuck histongue out at her. She stalked out of the room.

"Come here, baby," Isaid, cuddling up with my son. "Tell me what happened."

I felt myself dozing in and outwhile Dante talked rapidly adding several embellishments to thestory. "Are you harassing your mother?" I heard Anders ask.

"He's fine," I yawnedas Dante got up from the bed.

"Did you get any sleep?"Anders asked curiously sitting on the edge of the bed like Steph had.

"Maybe an hour," I saidas he stroked my cheek.

He sighed. "That's betterthan nothing I suppose."

I sat up. "I'm hungry,"I said, yawning again.

"Let's get you something toeat, then," he smiled.

"Can I come?" Danteasked, shuffling his feet.

"Be careful, she might eatyou," Anders joked.

Dante laughed. "Nuh uh."

"Where do you think she gotthat big belly from? She swallowed your new baby sibling. Kid neverhad a chance." He rubbed my stomach as I swatted him playfully,smiling.

Dante's nose wrinkled. "You'refibbing, Da."

"Finally, he's seen throughyour crap," I laughed.

"Our boy is growing up."Anders wiped a fake tear from his eye.

"Alright! Hungry pregnantwoman coming through," I said getting up with a moment ofstruggling.  

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