Chapter 13

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After that night, thingsseemingly returned to normal. Only I knew about the chaos that wasgoing on in the background of my life. I got good at ignoringBalthazar's snide comments and seductive caresses. Sharing my bodywith him became increasingly annoying as he shot every woman he saw,hungry, lustful glances using myeyes. He found it especially humorous to force me to relive memoriesof his encounters with Beri from when he was riding Stefan while shewas in the room. I would catch her frowning at me as I ripped my gazeaway from her breasts or other places while Balthazar laugheduproariously in my skull. "I hate you!" I growled angrilyone day after fleeing the practice field.

Now, now, pet. Do not throwsuch angry words about. You'll hurt my feelings.

"I don't care. You'reexceedingly hard to live with. If you don't want anyone to knowyou're here, stopmaking me act so outlandish. I don't fancy women."

He scoffed. You'reoverreacting, pet.

"No. You'reequivocating. If you have a sodding reason for being here, get onwith it!" I hissed threateningly.

"Are you ranting toyourself, little warrior?" Anders asked, appearing at theopposite end of the hallway and making a course straight for me. Myheart jumped into my throat before I saw the amused smile on hisface. He hadn't heard what I'd said.

I forced my own smile and nodded."You know me," I sighed, accepting the hug and short peckhe offered.

"What's got you so firedup?" he asked.

"Nothing important," Iscoffed, forcing myself to calm down and unclench my fists. "Let'sget some lunch."

"You read my mind," hegrinned.

It was a few nights beforeBalthazar decided to retaliate for my outburst. I was lying awake asusual while Anders slept peacefully in his favorite spot. Suddenly,Balthazar started pounding at my skull. Letme out, pet, I wish to play a game.

I growled at the disturbance andmind splitting headache as I carefully got up to take the argumentoutside. I slipped out onto the balcony silently and shut the doorbehind us. "What do you want?"

I told you, I wish to play agame.

"What sort of game?" Igrowled. Don't listento him! My brainscreamed urgently.

You told me you wish me to geton with my reason for being here, so I've chosen tonight.

"What are you doing?" Iasked as I felt him start to grab hold of my limbs. Fighthim!

Balthazar asserted himself overme, taking my muscles and filling them with his own essence. I beganlosing control of my own body and panicked.

"Stop!" I cried aloud,folding my essence and forcing it out to fill me, pushing him aside.He was persistent though and beat me into submission.

With me still fighting, helurched us toward the rail of the balcony. Youwillsubmit! He said.

"No!" I gritted myteeth and grabbed hold of the rail, turning my knuckles white. Icould feel him trying to force me over the edge. I closed my eyes,shoving him as far from the surface as I could and focused on Anders,on Reif, on my family and friends. I heard his grunt of disgust as helet go of my body, giving it back to me.

This isn't over,he warned as I breathed a sigh of relief, still clutching the rail.

"Go to hell," Iwhispered, trying to catch my breath. I slumped over, feeling thestill cool air of March tugging at my shirt. My legs were cold, but Ididn't care. Balthazar had just tried to kill me.

"Ana?" Anders' voicemade me jump and let out an embarrassing yelp if surprise. "It'sjust me, luv. What're you doing out here yelling?"

"Shit," I cursed. He'dheard me. Lie!Balthazar demanded, clenching my stomach. I spun to look at Anders,one hand over my racing heart. "You scared the piss out of me. Iwas out for some air. I think I might be coming down with something.My stomach is wonky." Technically, I wasn't lying. I feltnauseous after my encounter.

"Wonky?" Anders asked,approaching and putting his palm to my forehead. "No fever.You're not pregnant again?" he joked, putting hands on my hipsand pulling me close.

I laughed awkwardly. "No,don't worry about that." I'msurprised you're not worse off than those elves with all the lovemaking I'm forced to endure.Balthazar made a gagging sound.

My eyes narrowed and I lookedover Anders' shoulder to respond angrily. I'llget into it right now if you don't backoff.I pushed my hips into Anders as a threat to Balthazar.

You're so crude,he commented, but slunk back into the background.

"What's going on with you,little warrior? You're acting peculiar," Anders said frowning.

I flicked my attention back tohim, floundering for an excuse when I heard Abram start to cry. Mybody slumped in relief. "That's our son," I said, fleeinginto the room to care for my son. 

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