Chapter 17

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Over the next few days, Balthazarheld a running commentary in my head, pointing out just how miserablemy life had truly become. The night after everything exploded. I'dgone to my room and found the door locked. My heart set on permanentsorrow, I started toward Reif's room to see if I had a place there.Halfway down the hallway he whispered in my head. No,Stasia.

I hugged myself, feelingcompletely alone and made my way miserably to the stables. I hunkereddown in amongst the bales of straw, trying to get comfortable as theystuck me in various uncomfortableplaces. Unable to sleep, I stared up through a crack in the ceilingat the moon shining brightly in the velvet sky. Thisis rich! Balthazarchuckled. I can'twait to see what happens next!

What happened next was, I wasavoided by everyone except Em and surprisingly Stefan. I suppose itwas his memories of when Balthazar rode him that allowed him to feelcompassion for me. After four days of being shunned by all of myloved ones and enduring endless teasing from Balthazar, I'd hadenough. I couldn't ignore the frightened glances and disgustedstares that followed me everywhere. I snuck into my room late onenight and packed a bag. I took enough clothing and supplies to lastme quite some time and ran down to the stables where I'd alreadysaddled Stardust. Donning my cloak to help camouflage me in the dark,I took off away from the castle and bolted through town to come outon the main highway. Stardust never flagged as we rode through thenight. Finally, when I saw the sweat dripping down her body and herbreath coming out in puffs, I reined her in, slowing our pace. "Let'sgo visit Gert," I mumbled realizing we weren't far fromChancelor.

We'd reached the inn in half anhour and Gert made a fuss of my presence. "Countess, travelingalone? How's your family?"

I smiled. "They're doingwell, thank you."

"Just passing through?" sheasked, getting back to business.

"Actually, I'd like to rent aroom for an extended stay," I said, grimacing.

She frowned but didn't askquestions. Soon, I was fed and watered and set up to stay a month. Ipicked at my meal and felt sick. "You look as if you need somethinga bit stronger."

My head shot up. "Em?! What areyou doing here?"

"I saw you leaving andfollowed," she sat gracefully down in the chair across my table.Her fingers went up to signal the waitress to come over. The girlsauntered over smiling. "A glass of wine and..." she cocked aneyebrow at me.

I sighed. "Whiskey."

"Comin' right up!" the girlgrinned and bounced off, her pigtails swinging wildly.

"What's wrong, Ana?" Emasked concernedly.

"Other than everyone hatingme?" I asked, sliding the barely touched plate of food out of myway. "I'm peachy."

Em smiled at my sarcasm. "Theydon't hate you," she corrected. "They're just a bit wary andshocked."

"It sure feels like hate," Isighed as the waitress returned with our drinks. I threw back theglass of whiskey and grabbed her arm. "Bring the bottle, darling."

"Don't hear that much from awoman," she joked, taking in my attire and shrugging. "Surething!"

Em grinned as she sipped daintilyat her wine. "I think tonight, we should have some fun," shesuggested. "Get your mind off everything."

"Agreed," I raised my emptyglass. "Cheers."

By the time she was finished, Emhad gotten my mind off of Anders and Reif, as well as everythingelse. I was sloshed and she had me laughing uproariously. Balthazarwas sulking in a corner of my mind and I ignored him. Around noon, Emstood as gracefully as ever and said, "Let's get you to bed,Ana."

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