Chapter 3

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1st Person POV

I stood against one of many abandoned warehouses that the dock had to offer. Both Dazai and I had recently arrived and we were waiting together. You recalled what Ogai had said. It wasn't much but it would be nice to have an extra hand if things goes south from there.

I sighed. I didn't really need an extra hand to carry a couple of briefcases. I would definitely be more than suitable for this mission. Plus, it seems like the shipment as been delay for some time.

"It's here"

I heard Dazai's voice whisper ever so silently into my ears. I nodded and stood up straight to meet them for myself. A small motor boat came and docked nearby. Right in front of us too.

We stepped forward as I could see their expression. The were rattled that a young girl and equally or younger boy had been ordered to pick up their important business for their boss. How shred, is what they are probably thinking.


I heard them say as I search into my pocket for my Port Mafia identity to show them. Dazai stepped up, holding a gun straight at one of the crewmen. He pressed the gun more firmly against the head of the older man. I could see the others were ready to pounce at the boy the moment he pulled the trigger. My hand went to my holsters where my guns was located at. The moment they go on the offensive, the moment I shoot each one of them.

"I'm not your enemy," Dazai said, smiling as he soon untucked his ID and waved it effortlessly in front of the man's face. "an ally you see. So I can assume you'll trust me, yes?"

I frown. I definitely couldn't dismiss that bloodlust he had while playing with that man's life like that. I guess that's how Port Mafia is.

The man scanned the ID before gagging a bit. He moved away from the pistol to hand over the briefcase of mafia business. It was thrown towards me. I easily caught it, feeling the weight of the case in my arms. I used my ability, God's gift: Clairvoyance in order to check the case. An ability that Port Mafia knows nothing about. Sure enough, there were a couple of pistols with a boxes of ammunition. There were also sheets of paper, probably along the line of something related to the mafia or business matters. Supposedly there were a few more cases full of pistols and ammunition that they had on board their ship of theirs.

"Well that's all, I guess we should probably leave now—"

"Where's the rest?" I said, carrying the case in my left hand. "There should be 5 more where this came from."

Dazai turned his head towards, surprised I pointed out such a flaw. I guess you did read the report, is probably what he thinks. I could see the slightest nervous looks at the group. I scanned the insides of the ship to see a few briefcases that belonged to the mafia.

"Don't tell me you're leaving without giving us the rest of them," Dazai said, walking towards the 'leader' figure. "right?"

I watched the man sweat uncomfortably with the teen's eye glossing over him. It was like staring at an abyss. Dark and uneasy. I frown. It really was uneasy to even be in the same room as him. The looming feeling he gives, it's surreal.

"[S Surname]-san" Dazai said to me. "Should I call Mori-san and tell him about this news? I'm sure he won't be too happy having Port Mafia's closest trading partner make a joke of him."

"But of course," I smiled, watching in the corner of my eyes the men squirm in fear. "after all, we are here to only collect. Not to deal with the true colours of this fraud-"

"That's enough!" The man said, scratching the back of his neck. "It's true what they said, Port Mafia is one of our main business partners. So fork it over you guys."

I smiled as Dazai stood beside me a little unhappy with this development. He probably wanted to see some bloodshed. Being on either end of it, probably the receiving from his suicidal behaviour.

Soon a small pile of briefcases were piled up on the ground in front of us. The same men stepped up to us. "This should be it. Tell your boss, thank you for your business."

"Sure will." Dazai said, as he picks up 2 of them and leaving the rest of them to me. "Come along [S Surname]-san."

I picked up the rest, 2 cases per hand. "I know, I know."

When picking up the pace, I heard one of the men mutter something. "They compliement each other surprisedly pretty well. Are they dating or something?"

"We aren't a couple" Dazai and I said at the same time. I deadpanned. This doesn't justify our point.

"Lets just go" I said, picking up my pace. I really didn't care much about this topic. So it's better not to fan anymore potiential flames that could occur.

It was quiet way back, only the sound of briefcases clanging against each other and our footsteps alerted each other's presence. There wasn't much to talk about anyways, it's better to not talk and just walk. It ends fast like that, for me anyways. However, it wouldn't be Yokohama if you didn't have someone stalking people down. I narrowed my eyes, a small frown making it's way up my lips. Someone's following us. A man? He's keeping his distance from us. He had to be carrying something heavy but have a good range. A sniper?

I smiled, turning to the boy behind me. I dropped the briefcases in a pile before placing my hands' palm against each other. While closing one of my eyes, smiling, I apologizing-ly looked at the confused boy.

"Dazai-kun, I forgot to get something. I'll be right back~"

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