Chapter 16

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1st Person POV

You failed!

I heard the game sound off as I stopped my antics to face at the boy. I shift my body, removing the hand on my hip to get a better read on the boy. He was pouting, still staring into the game over screen. Glassy eyes retaining the image looking then needed. Times like this made it seem like Dazai was actually a child of some sort.

I watch Chuuya and Dazai argue at each other as I decided to drink some water from the bag I carried along with me. I screw open the bottle and take a few gulps. I strayed away from the 2 as I walked towards the window. The view was gorgeous. A lush garden. A very pristine area. All of this above the city. But imagine, all of this at night. Being able to see during night with the lights turned on, from here, would be even better. It would be similar to that 1 time I had to go to that government ball with Chief Taneda. The lights outside the balcony would shine like gems, so radiantly. They were tiny singularly but together it was a masterpiece. Each light contributing to the overall design and resulting into something beautiful that honestly, I couldn't explain. It was a lost of words. I cracked a smile.

Soon there was loud noises behind me. Curiously, I turn quickly to see what the 2 were doing. I froze. My eyes went to the 2 boys who turned into deers looking right at headlights. Chuuya has his arms around Dazai's own pair. His hair messy with wides eyes. Dazai, in the other hand, has his arms midway in a throwing action, shock also in his eye. Everything seemed normal expect 1 thing. My PSS Vita. Where was it?! They were caught doing something that would bring them guilt. I eyed the direction of where Dazai's arms where pointing at. There it laid. In the crack of the wall, my game console laid on its side.

I'm pissed.

I walk up to them, trying to hide my infuriated aura. The scared looks they had on their face said otherwise. So I had to be unable to hide it. But seriously. Could they not behave for like 2 minutes while I do something else. As I their babysitter or something? If so, I need a refund on my life then.

"Care to explain why my game console is on the other side of the room now?"

I watch them pale as they straighten out themselves, removing themselves from each other. I could hear them lowly chuckle. It sounded different from usual. It was really awkward and full of regret.

"Well? What's your excuse?"

I push forward, standing directly in front of them. I look at their eyes with my dull ones. Someone once said that eyes were the windows to the soul, that you can distinguish the emotions and feelings someone can hand of you look them in the eyes.

"Well you see [S Surname]-san," I heard Dazai speak up. "Shorty over here bullied me~ and I—"

"He bullied you. Is that what I'm hearing?" I retort, eyeing the boy suspiciously. "Are you sure it's not the other way around?"


"That's not it!" Chuuya shouts. "Bandages over here didn't give me the console and so he—"

"So did Dazai-kun throw the console or not?" I say, a little more stricter this time. They were trying to put the blame onto each other. But I don't want that. I just want to know who threw it.

"Yes" Chuuya responds sternly.

"Maybe..." Dazai sheepishly say.

"You know," I smiled darkly, standing in front of the brunette. My eyes closed but intent written all over my face. "You're really asking to die Dazai-kun. There is just so much I can tolerate from you. You understand right?"

"So," Now, eyes open, I stare deeply into his ambers. "how does dying by my hands sound Dazai-kun?"

3rd Person POV

[Name] was leading the party into a room that she had notice that Randou was in—using the prowess of Clairvoyance. With both Dazai and Nakahara behind her, they made themselves up the floors to that room. This was the day the 2 of them swore to never piss off [Name] again. She may not have understand—much less known it herself, but she released a deathly aura that froze the 2 in this spots. It was the 1st times the pair had witnessed an angry [Name] before—that was this ticked off before. It was a miracle that she had some reason left in her that distinguish the side she was on. If not, they would've been dead meat to the lion. It was bewildering and honestly, they didn't want to endure that again.

"Never again?" Chuuya mutters to Dazai. There was a short pause before Dazai turned to the shorter boy.

"Never again."

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