Chapter 6

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1st Person POV

I went in the elevator, the whole procedure repeating in front of my eyes. The gears and buzzing currents of electricity hummed the elevator to life. The elevator descended back onto the 1st floor where I saw the boy depart with the man.


The first thing I heard when leaving the elevator was a scream. It easily ripped through the air, creating tension too thick to cut. I looked at the corridor to my left. That hallway...

I took my time getting there, remember the aggressive and agonizing scream. It was painful to hear. I frown. I really wasn't fond of torturing people. If I was given the choice to give mercy to the enemy, I would, of course in a single blow. But there are times you can't avoid it. After all, people are filled with information that even the simplest and dumbest things they could remember can be used as a weapon. As liable material.

When I stared into the poorly lit abyss of a hallway, I could see only 1 door barely cracked open. Only the tiniest of light was leaking from the room. The emphasis of the screech was more than evident as well. It was louder every step—every breath I took. It was definitely unsettling. From the atmosphere of the place I was at to the very hallway I was located in. The wallpaper torn, chipping bit by bit. The most of the bulb of lights were shattered and sparks fluttering onto the floor. Surprisingly it hasn't caused a fire problem yet. The floor were covered by holes and has missing tiles with gaps of vegetation growing in them. It was littered with shards of glass and junk from another century or who knows how long. It was clearly an abandoned facility that was connected to the main building.

"Just speculator..." I whispered out. My voice was being drown out by the screams of the sniper.

I pull on door handle, just to barely crack the surface of what ever torture the boy was doing. The first thing my eyes land on was the boy's back. He was still wearing the same outfit as before. The room did seem small, barely much room to have many guests over. A few cabinets laying on the side of the rooms with a small window peeking light through the room and out the door. The boy was blocking out most of everything else however.

"I know you're here, come out [S Surname]-san"

I cracked the rest of the door open. I stared at the back of the boy's back. How did he know?

"Surprise, points for you"

I approached him, standing at the side of him. With this, I had a better view of the monstrosity this boy was conducting. The sniper's eyes were masked, his mouth poorly tied by a cloth and his hair seemed to be a tangled mess. I eyed the small plate, on the side of the table in front him, of fingernails and hairs that Dazai had been ripping off. Bloody gloves dressed his hands and a bloody mask to accompanied his goggles. A knife was stabbed into the flesh of the man's finger. The finger was bleeding and at the edges of being torn off. The sniper was whimpering. I didn't noticed this before but the room gave off a bloodstained sanctuary. It was a grim place to be at.

"Why are you here?"

I went back to the sniper's nailless fingers. I recognized some of the fingers were sliced off not so cleanly. Ragged skin lingering in mis-cut shapes. Veins of blue and red pierced. The white colour and structure of bones peering out of the muscles. The flesh bleeding and leaking more and more blood. A few of the bones had been completely destroyed, shattering into fractures of bones covering in blood and bone marrow. It was a disgusting site to see.

"Boss has some business with you"

He turned to me. He slid up the goggles a bit. His amber iris peering into mine. They flickered darker than usual.

"And what's that?"

"After this he wants to meet you at the clinic you first met him at—something about a new mission."

"Heh." I could see him deadpan. He sighed, shifting the goggles back onto his eyes. "He's working me like a slave and I'm not even apart of Port Mafia."

I was shocked. The reports indicated that he was a member. I kept a mental note. Dazai Osamu was yet an official Mafiaso of Port Mafia.

"But, it's probably best to get this done fast. Would you like to help?"

"I'll pass."

He sighed again. He soon stood up, heading to the cabinets on his right. He was searching for another device of mass torture. He was quite serious now.

"Ah, where did I put them..."

He mumbles, opening 1 drawer at a time. I could already imagine the haunting screams the sniper was going to make because of that boy. 1 dangerous and perilous boy. What object is next? A hammer?A screwdriver? A basin of salt?

"Found it~!"

He approaches me, a few new boxes joining our group. Purely from the picture-less cover, I could make out the figure of some black creature in the container. The container was quite opaque and a shadowy figure swimming around. I don't feel so good.

He opens the 1st container to reveal an opulent amount of Hirudinea, also known as leeches. This was a giant amazon leech and these definitely wasn't no medical leech for sure. The sizes was huge, it looked as long as 40cm and 10cm wide. I darkened. Where exactly did he get those from?

"Haementeria Ghilianii, also known as the Giant Amazon Leech, possibly the largest leech alive. Now [S Surname]-san, how many brains do you think it has?"

I deadpanned. And how should I know? "20?"

"Beep! Beep!" He makes an error noise, crossing his arms. "Incorrect, it's 32."

I sweat-dropped as the parasite squirmed in the container, splashing against over members of it's kind and the minimal bits of water left. I watch Dazai change his gloves for new ones. He dangled his bloody ones above the leeches, watching the aggressive behaviour of them when a droplet of blood dipped into the pool.

"Next question [S Surname]-san," He held 1 up to you to see. "What do these have that regular river leeches don't?"

"A hypodermic needle that acts like a straw for sucking blood."

"Oh!" He said, swinging the creature around. "Ding! Ding! You're correct!"

"Then what's the good thing about leeches?"

There's a good thing about these parasites? "They were used as a way for medical practice? Like for fever."

He laughs. "Correct, however it's not the answer i'm looking for."

I deadpan. Eyeing the parasite, I examined the strips of a lighter shade of brown the covered it's body.

"The answer is it releases an anesthetics and anticoagulants substances when they latch and drink their prey's blood. This way you won't know they are there drinking your blood. It's a good way for a painless death."

He latched the leeches on the man. He was terrified, unsure if this topic was related to him. I watch the leech get down straight to work. Soon Dazai unbutton the sniper's vest, revealing a tight bodysuit underneath. He grabbed a knife and torn apart it. He eyed me.

"I would've done it but I don't need half a 1000 of these disease carrying parasites latching onto me and sucking me dry."

He slid down more leeches onto the man. I could see the man fidget his hands. In a blink of an eye, the palm of the hand was pin down by a scalpel. Dazai has stabbed the palm of the man. He screamed erratically in pain. 1 by 1, the 1st container was finally leech-free. The only thing left inside was the murky water.

"This is your last chance to tell me about everything." He said, covering the container and dragging the next box out. "After all, these leeches are carrying some of the diseases the last person had."

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