Chapter 17

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3rd Person POV

Dazai took a step forward, both Nakahara and [Name] behind the boy. The boy's eyes met with the back of the bundled up man. The fire in front of Randou burned brightly, bits of books still in the process of burning into ashes. It was certainly warm—some even could be bold enough to call it hot. However it didn't come close to the tension between the 2 groups.

"So cold..." Randou says mindlessly. He plays with another book on his side as he shivers. "The wind is coming through, making it 3 times colder."

It didn't take long for Dazai to respond to the older man, making the group known to him. He stepped forward, leaving the 2, Chuuya and [Name] to hang behind him. "It must've been tough, Randou-san."

"That was brutal..." Randou acknowledgments him, still facing the fireplace. The hole in the mansion continued to influence the chilly weather towards Randou. He continued to shiver, voice laced with confusion. "Why me?"

"It's easy to guess why we were attacked." Dazai responds. A moment of his eyes flicker in a dim fire that could be unreasonably explained its fuel for. "The rumor is spreading."

"If a Mori supporter like you were to die in a black explosion, people will start taking the anger of the former boss more seriously." Dazai adds on. "While coming here, the leader of GSS soldiers were instructed to create the same black explosion the former boss would appear with."

"What's a 'black explosion'?" Randou says, turning to the boy behind him. His attention was caught with the news.

"Apparently, there's a method to create a black like flame using a sodium lamp flame reaction." Dazai crumbles his memo he created in order to record the entire event of the GSS plans. "Whatever the case, it's just a cheap trick."

Dazai throws memo away, into a far corner in the room, probably going to be apart of the flames once Randou decides to use it. Dazai manages to catch Randou's eyes. There was something off of the man that the boy had notice. It was 1 of his gut feelings that came into play. Randou throws another book into the furnace. It lit wildly into bright flames, slowing engulfing the entire entity. The pages turning from white to a crispy brown to ashes. The cover managing to survive a few seconds longer before being engulfed too.

"So let me get this straight," Chuuya interrupts. He stares at the boy, unwavering and somehow enjoying the little bit of internal conflict that was happening in Port Mafia currently. However there was also a little bit in him worried about the effects of this disaster could lead the other groups, such as the Sheep, to suffer from this as well. "GSS attacked him—a member of Port Mafia, pretending to be Arahabaki, in order for the members of Port Mafia to have its own internal conflicts?"

"GSS's current president is a cold-hearted man." Randou warns. He seems a bit bitter however. "Rumor has it that he has close ties to The Guild—a North American secret organization."

The girl's head perk at this news, she knew about the strength and stories of the Guild that were floating around. 1 of the most interesting story was about the leader of the Guild. His power is named 'Moby Dick'. It was loosely based on a story of a sailor and it's special relationship with a whale and yet true to it's name, he commands the strength of a whale. But for someone to have connections to the Guild means he is dangerous. So he has to be monitored and in worse case scenario, killed.

"Randou-san, please tell us about Arahabaki that you saw in Suribachi city." Dazai spoke up. "That's the only lead we have on the resurrection of the former president."

"Ah, I remember it so clearly. How could I forget?" Randou monologues. He held himself, the fleeting feeling never leaving, the horror of what he saw that day never left the corner of his mind. It was like a burn. The scar left behind from the everlasting pain and memory that caused it. "I was the only survivor. All my subordinates burned to ashes, engulfed by those black flames. That was no doubt the god of fire."

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