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AN: Hey guys! Thanks for reading this book! And this is the last chapter for 1 of the 3 books in the trilogy. The next book will be posted during the month of January because I have midterms and want to relax. Lol. Once again, thanks for reading and supporting this story!
☆〜(ゝ。∂)— Lux

1st Person POV

It has been almost a year since Chuuya's recruitment and I'm 1 year older now. A 17 year old spy supposedly strengthening Port Mafia for both the government and the city's protection.

I sit on my chair, finishing my report after the last mission I went on. There wasn't much to write on so that allowed me to have enough time to get a gift for a certain boy and his new promotion. That boy being Chuuya. I lean back, sighing in relief. I wasn't too sure if I would make it back after that special request that Mori practically begged for me to go. But I guess it all ends well.

I fetched some pills and downed it with some water. I had already sent my quarterly report a few days ago on the mission. Chuuya was the 3rd ever executive for Port Mafia. The 1st being Kouyou and 2nd being Dazai. I, on the other hand, declined my own position as executive because I was an assassin type mafioso. I really didn't want to have responsibilities piled onto me. Luckily he understood. Anyways, today is Chuuya's promotion so it would be ideal to get him a gift for his good work. I pat the rectangular prism a few times, remembering who much I had to pay to get it designed and made. A month's worth of paid on some durable and battle fit leather-like gloves. It kind of has a sealing effect—is what the merchant said anyways. I wonder how much of what is said was true.

I lean back in my chair, sighing in relief. I guess I'll find out later. Plus I got him a boutique of flowers too. I eyed the boutique of daisies and daffodils. Supposedly in flower language—which I had to search up in order not to get it wrong—they mean congratulations.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I scan the room, hearing something tap onto the window. I look and found a familiar crow on the window on this side of the building. I walk towards it. I must be from the government. I haven't heard anything major from them after the incident with Randou aka Rimbaud. I wonder what they needed this time.

I let the crow in, petting the small bird before taking out the package to read. I scan over the paper with a distant expression. I knew it was bond to happen, but it hurt so much.

Dear [Surname],

I hope this letter reaches you well. 1st I would like to congratulate you for the amazing work you have put in these last years for Port Mafia behalf for the government. Successful you have increased the strength of Port Mafia exponential. Because of that, we estimated in another year or 3 they will be fine on their own. With that reason, we are happy to announce that in the next year you are meant to return to headquarters.


I frown. I knew it'll happen soon. But to have a year left? I sigh. I knew I shouldn't be frustrated. But I am. If I disobey I risk my life and the people I care about. Especially with Chuuya and Dazai. I haven't teased them enough yet. 1 year is too little. There was still so much to do.

But at the same time. Originally I was here for a mission. I watch the crow fly away, leaving me to shut the window. But I instead just left the letter in the hidden slot in my drawer. It's not like I need it anymore. It was all in my mind. All my memories as a government assassin, a mafioso spy, the 2 idiots, everything. A government spy trained to fulfill their master's request. I lean back in my chair, feeling the tears pricking the corners of my eyes. Damn it. Damn it all.

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