Chapter 10

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3rd Person POV

It was a bright sunny afternoon. The sky was clear and the weather was scorching. Dazai and [Name] had left the train and made it to the city. It was a city that priorities on poorly built house and the poor. There wasn't many stores and the stores that were there seemed like they would only sell objects that could be found on the black market or useless things that no one would need. In the middle of the city, the pair met up with Hirotsu who knew about Dazai recruiting him but knew nothing about the girl beside him.

"Dazai-san," Hirotsu said, eyeing the 2 as they approached him. "and young lady who might you be?"

"My name is [S Surname] [S Name]. I'm a member of Port Mafia that Dazai-san recruited me to come along as well." [Name] said.

"Lets get going," Dazai said, pulled out a small book from his coat. The Complete Guide to Suicide, the boy's most favourite book. A highly informative book about ways to suicide. Some more painful than others. The boy left in a slow pace down the alleyway. "I want to be done this quickly."

The girl sweatdropped and shrugged her shoulders. She eyed the older man in an apologetic look before leaving the man alone to follow the boy down the alley. The older man, who was still confused by the actions of the man soon caught up to the 2 where the girl was scanning the surrounding area while the boy continued to read his book. Sometimes along just to annoy the girl beside him.

"Hey [S Surname]-san, did you know-"

"No and I don't care"

"That's rude, anyways did you know that..."

It was like this for awhile. Some kind of comical routine for both the boy and girl with the older man watching from the side lines. Dazai would start up the conversation with a "did-you-know" fact. Soon to be interrupted by [Name] who didn't care or wanted to know about the plentiful ways of self inflicted death that was in the book. Only to be called out for being rude and continuing to talk about the history of the suicide method. For her to sigh and for Hirotsu to stand further back to watch the 2 kids talk about it. He question himself and his sanity. Rinse and repeat. It was an endless cycle.

"The Yokohama foreign settlement. There was once a giant explosion here. In the resulting crater, people began building a city. That's this place; Suribachi City." Hirotsu said as [Name] eyed the surrounding area.

"Hmm-hm..." Dazai hummed, continuing to read the book in his hand. He was listening to the older mafioso despite how uninterested he looked. He was sharp. He didn't need to be told what to do for the most part. It came naturally with him. Putting pieces together to form the puzzle. He was the man Mori chose after all. He flipped the page.

"So they drink metal plating to kill themselves overseas, huh?" Dazai said, grimaced in disgust. The slight interest he had disappeared as fast as it came. A sour reflect replaced on his face. "But those who have their organs melted while they're still alive. Yuck. Glad I didn't try it."

[Name] saw a white, brown and orange collie cat. From its seat on a trash can, it jumped down and made its way to her. It circled around her a few times, the circle eventually shrinking inti nothing. It rubbed its head and body against her leg. It liked her. She smiled, leaning down at the smaller mammal. She petted the stray as it purred in content.

"Hey, did you know about that [S Surname]-san?" Dazai said. It took a bit of waiting and still no response. He decided to see what was occupying her time that it disabled her to even remotely respond to him.
When he did, he pouted. A stray was able to charm away the girl he was talking with. The same girl who's eyes and ears were his a few moments ago. He leaped onto a large pipe on the road. Dazai continued to read the book in uninterested. He wasn't going to get jealous over a cat. He would be officially insane if he did that.

"Dazai-san" Hirotsu said, breaking the mood. This mission he was assigned was just babysitting 2 children at this point. When exactly did Port Mafia prepare him for this moment in time? Short answer. Never.


"This area is in a state of conflict. Be careful."

Dazai closed his book. He remembered vaguely about the problems in this area. All of said information was from Mori. He and his complainants anyways.


"Currently, Port Mafia has 3 enemy organizations. 1 is the Takasekai group. Another being the GSS. Lastly, the 3rd group it is a complementary army comprised entirely of juveniles, the Sheep-"

Ring~ Ring~

All the members of the group stopped. [Name] and Hirotsu watched Dazai as he pulled out his phone. The boy has a phone call. He flipped out the lid to see the id caller.

"It's from Mori-san."

Soon Dazai answered the call. It was quiet. "Hello?"

The 2, [Name] and Hirotsu, watched the boy from a far. From their current location, they couldn't hear the conversation that Mori wanted to have with Dazai. He was too quiet.

"Yeah, I learned a few things. Long story short, I found the previous boss."

Hirotsu perked up to this. In his memories, he didn't recall Dazai ever show the slightest interest in anything than his book and [Name]. So how exactly did he find clues that related to the previous. The same previous boss the boy was with Mori when he passed away. Is he lying in front of Mori? No, it doesn't sound like it. So how? How...? Where was his evidence- his proof that he acknowledged the existence of a dead man? [Name] noticed that Hirotsu was more than interested now. She was confused. She wasn't sure where there was an evidence around here that lead him to that answer. But he found the answer, somehow, someway.

"He came back from the pits of hell." The boy continued on, looking ever so unchantlently about that situation on hand. "Yeah, I'll give you a proper report when I get back."

Just like that, the boy closed his phone. But at the same time, just like that, the boy was sent flying across the alley. All cause by a quick sludge of black that both [Name]'s and Hirotsu's eyes couldn't follow. [Name]'s eyes widened in concerned.


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