Chapter 1

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The king called, flopping down back first onto his bed, clutching his framed photo of the USA.

"Yes, your majesty?"
A timid voice replied from a comfy armchair close by.

"I need you to write some things down"
George asked, sitting up and placing his beloved photo on his bedside table. "Do you need a surface?"

Oliver shook his head, being able to write without having to lean on anything was one of the reasons he was hired, as the last one was executed for insulting the kings beloved photograph.

George opened his mouth as if he was about to speak, then closed it again in defeat.


"Yes sir?"

"....Do you mind if I sing?"

Ollie nodded,and held his quill ready to write.

"You say" the king began, standing up. "The price of my love's not a price you are willing to pay"

The king began to dance around the room as he sung passionately about his love for America, while Ollie frantically wrote it all down, struggling to keep up with the king's words.

"La dadada dadada day a da~"
He sung, continuing to dance. It was almost impossible to not notice how good he was.

"Da dada day a da dada dad da day ya daaaaa" George sang, bringing the song, and letter, to a close.

Ollie clapped as the king threw himself into his chair.

"God this job is exhausting, America just doesn't understand how much I love them!"

Ollie nodded absent mindedly, focused more on wishing someone would love him as much as George loved America.

The king continued to ramble, but he was soon interrupted by a hard knock on the door.

"Enter!" George called, staring up at the ceiling as Ollie greeted the man at the door.

"Its a letter from princes-" the man whispered to Ollie, knowing that the very mention of marriage and princesses would send him into a flying rage.

George began, his face turning tomato red. "ALL THEY WANT IS TO MARRY ME!"

He stood up, walked towards the man, snatched the letter from his hands and tore it up.

"I WILL NEVER MARRY A PRINCESS OR QUEEN, OR ANY WOMAN FOR THAT MATTER" he said, as the man ran off in panic, leaving poor Ollie to deal with the king.

"DON'T. THEY. GET. IT!"  He continued to shout, tearing up the letter further between each word.

"Sir?" Ollie mumbled, terrified he was going to be thrown of the balcony, or the face of the earth.

George threw the remains of the letter into the bin, before sitting down on his bed, head in his hands.

"They don't get it..." he mumbled, looking up to Ollie. "But you get it, you listen" he smiled, calming down a little.

"Order us some tea, would you?" George  moaned, looking at his treasured photo.

Ollie nodded obediently, before rushing off to the kitchen to order the king some tea.

Obedient Servant (Geollie) (Hamilton) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now