Chapter 11

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The moment George heard the sound of running water, George bolted out the cupboard and down to his room.

The image of Ollie's scars plagued his mind. He felt awful.

"Does Ollie not trust me?" He thought to himself, pacing around the room. "Am I mistaken? No, they were too straight to be an accident".

A soft knock came from the door.

"Im busy! Begone!" George shouted, trying to stop himself from crying.

"Its me, Ollie!" Ollie's voice called "Can I come in?".

George stopped for a moment. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to send him away or hurt his feelings.

"Yeah, I was" George lied as the door was slowly pushed open, revealing Ollie dressed in a long sleeved green top and a pair of loose black pants.

"George, where were you this morning?"
Ollie inquired, obviously concerned.

"I woke up early and saw how peaceful you looked, and I had some stuff to do but its fine now." George replied, rambling slightly.

"Oh ok, thats cool, watcha doing now then?" Ollie asked.

George shrugged.
"It's really hot today, isn't it? Why are you wearing a long sleeve top?"

Ollie froze, and laughed nervously.
"Oh you know...It's fashion".

George nodded.
"I haven't seen anyone dress like that, ever."

Ollie began to panic.
"Well I was in a rush this morning and didn't have time to choose something more appropriate".

"I have a vest you can borrow, exactly your size?" George offered, watching as Ollie stared down at the floor. George didn't want to pressure Ollie too much, but he did want Ollie to get some form of help.

"I really can't, George, it's fine, In fine, nothing to worry about, honest" Ollie muttered.


"Yeah?" The small brunette replied, continuing to look down at the floor.

"You can talk to me, you know" The blonde comforted, seeing how nervous Ollie looked.

Ollie said nothing, and continued to stare at the floor.
"Yeah..." he finally replied. "I need to go...".

George nodded. "Alright, Im here if you need me." Ollie gave George a small goodbye kiss before he hurried out the door.


"Maria!" Samuel called, running towards his friend, who was sat peacefully in the palace gardens tending to some roses.

"What?" Maria called back, as Samuel stopped in front of her, panting heavily.

"Oliver told me.." he panted, stopping for breath. "They got engaged".

A smile quickly spread across Maria's tanned face.
"Finally, holy fuck did that take some time".

Maria stood up, and ripped off her gardening gloves.
"Look, I see him now!" Maria shushed, watching as Ollie strolled through the gardens, pulling down his sleeves every 5 seconds.

"Sam, go ask if he's planning the wedding, but do it slowly!" Maria instructed, continuing to stare at Ollie as he sat on one of the wooden benches.

Samuel nodded, and casually walked around the corner to greet the green eyed brunette.

"Hey Oliver, how ya been?" Sam greeted, taking a seat next to Ollie, leaving a small but comfortable gap.

"Tired" Ollie lied, fiddling with his own hair. "I'm worried, about possibly getting married, I can't plan a wedding, and neither can George..." he lied again, the wedding was the last thing on his mind. He was a little concerned, as weddings are big responsibilities, but he was more worried about his arms.

"I used to be a wedding planner's apprentice long ago" Sam commented.
"If you need any help, I know some people who could help. Nice guys, they don't care if its a gay wedding."

"Really? I could go for some help, I have got a lot on my mind, and probably will so for the next few months." Ollie explained. "You'd need to ask George, first."

Sam nodded, and ran through all the basics of the wedding with Ollie. He was able to gather that Ollie wanted a small, traditional wedding with cake, flowers and only around 25 guests. There would be a small buffet, some alcohol and some music, if possible.

Sam scribbled it all down on some parchment, before running it all through with Ollie. By the time they finished, Maria had already gone inside the palace to check out.

"I must go, I'll write to George and some others, and we'll be able to get the weeding done in maybe 6 months?" Samuel explained, folding up the paper and sliding it into his pocket.

Ollie nodded, satisfied with the arrangements, and glad he was able to distract himself, even if only for an hour.

"Bye!" Samuel called, as he walked away.

"Bye!" Ollie called back, watching as he disappeared into the castle.

Ollie stood and stretched his arms, before walking around the gardens for a while longer.

"I hope everything works out, I really do."

Obedient Servant (Geollie) (Hamilton) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now