Chapter 16

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The next day, the pair decided to visit one of Ollie's friends who owned a store in the middle of the city.

"He's the only reason I know French, he had to move to France when we were 18 to help his family run their family store, he owns it now!" Ollie explained as they pushed through a boisterous crowd of people, keeping their hands intertwined.

George nodded "What does he sell?"

"Just general stuff, like books, cards, keychains, snacks..." Ollie replied, leading the taller blonde towards a small shop nestled between a row of other shops. A large sign poked out from the side that read "Lafayette's General Store".

Ollie pushed open then door, causing a small golden bell above the door to softly jingle, attracting the attention of the tanned shop owner, who was busy dusting the alcohol filled shelves behind the deep oak counter.

"Oliver!" The man greeted in a heavy French accent. "What brings the little smol bean to Paris?".

"I got married! Im on my honeymoon and thought we'd stop into say hello!" Ollie giggled, looking over at George who was busy inspecting the postcard rack.

"Awww! Who's the lucky gentleman then?" Layette asked, looking around the store.

"Wait? How did you know its a man?" Ollie inquired, looking up at his best friend, who had an amused smirk spread across his face.

"Ollie, it was obvious from the beginning, if you are not the gayest person I've ever laid my eyes on!" Lafayette exclaimed, resting his arm on the counter.

Ollie sighed, and looked back up at his friend. "Didn't you used to wear glasses? I remember you used to be blind without them". Ollie could remember 10 year old Laf bumping into everything like it was yesterday.

"I only wear them if Im outside or cleaning, so not very often. I got a new pair, I'll show you!" The man exclaimed, as he rummaged through one of the drawers in the counter, before pulling out a round pair of glasses complete with a shiny gold frame.

"Wait! Ollie! I think they're broken!" Laf whispered, suddenly whispering.

"What, what is it?" Ollie whispered back, frantically looking around.

"I think thats the King of England, in my store! The one by the postcards! Ive never seen him without his crown or all his fancy clothing!"

George turned around, he gave Ollie a playful look, before adjusting his collar and smartly walking up to the counter.

Ollie played along, acting shocked at the presence of his majesty.

"Your Highness!" Laf greeted, bowing down to George. "How may I assist you?"

George could barely keep himself from laughing.

"You!" George boomed, pointing to Ollie.
"How much?"

"Your majesty he is not for sale, but my delighful selection of baguettes are-"

Suddenly, George scooped Ollie up and ran off.

They ran outside and stopped, before George gently placed his husband in the ground and bursting out laughing.

Laf soon followed, but was confused when he saw the two crying with laughter.

"Oh my god Laf, this is my husband, George" Ollie giggled, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Nice to make your acquaintance" George snickered, trying to appear professional. He took Lafs hand and gave it a firm shake, before wrapping his arms around Ollie.

Laf took a moment to gather his thoughts, before looking up to the king, a bewildered smile on his face.

"To you too, your highness!"

George laughed. "Call me George, any friend of Ollie's is a friend of mine".

Laf nodded gleefully, happy that his childhood best friend had married into royalty.

"Take care of him for me, please?" Laf asked, giving the small brunette a head pat.

"You bet". George replied.

"Forever and always".

Obedient Servant (Geollie) (Hamilton) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now