Chapter 17

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They spent the rest of their week long honeymoon visiting almost every part of Paris. From museums to restaurants to theatres.

All too soon, their trip ended, and after giving one last goodbye hug to Lafayette, they sailed home.

Maria, Sam and all the other members of The Truth Seekers spent their time plotting how they would get to Ollie.

"The confidence phase has begun!" Maria announced to the crowd of people all sat around the large wooden round table.

"We now have 3 months to invite Ollie to duel. As we know, Ollie avoids confrontation if he can, however, if we use the death of James and George against him combined with his newly found confidence, its almost guaranteed he'll duel me."

Suddenly, a timid hand reached into the air. "Maria, ma'am, I must ask, what may happen if Ollie decides to shoot?" Samuel asked, looking across the room at Maria.

The woman let out a cold laugh. "Ollie's a coward, the moment he comes face to face with reality, he'll just aim his pistol at the sky and BANG!" She suddenly shouted, scaring the crowd.


Everyone in the small room erupted into applause, everyone except Sam, who cowered in his seat with his hands to his ears.

Maria took her bows, and instructed the crowd to settle down.

"Dismissed!" She barked as the crowd shuffled out the small door, leaving only Samuel and Maria behind.

"Maria, I don't think this is a good idea" Samuel mumbled timidly.

"Because?" Maria scoffed, standing up.

"You know how much this means to me Sam, if I had Georgie as my husband then I would be so happy!"

Samuel couldn't help but cringe at the way she said 'Georgie'

"I need to go, I" Samuel lied, before sprinting to the castle to tell Ollie.

Meanwhile, Ollie was sat by James' grave, talking to him about how amazing his honeymoon, and how funny it was when they pranked Laf.

"Oliver!" Sam called as he sprinted towards the small brunette.

"Samuel? You ok? Whats wrong?" Ollie asked, standing up to address his close acquaintance.

"Maria....shes lost it!" Sam panted, wiping a band of sweat from his forehead.

"What? What do you mean?" The brunette questioned.

"Shes gonna kill you! She said she was going to invite you to a duel and-"

"Sam, you've lost it"

"What? No I-"

"Sam, calm down, Maria's not going to kill me" Ollie comforted, leading Sam to a nearby bench.

"No you don't-" Samuel tried to explain, but quickly silenced by Ollie.

"Sam. Calm down." Ollie instructed. "Whats getting worked up going to do. If she invites me to duel, I'll deny. Simple".

"But the confidence pha-"

"Sam, Im fine. Im not going to die, there is no plan to assassinate me. No confidence phase, whatever that even means. Nothing. Understand?" Ollie explained.

Sam nodded.

"Ollie please listen" He thought to himself, staring into the brunettes concerned green eyes.

"Your life depends on it".

Yall we have the person who basically inspired me to write this reading!

Their fanfic is friggin amazing and over 110 parts long so go check it out.


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