Chapter 9

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Months flew by for the young couple. It seemed their love only seemed to grow stronger and deeper with everyday.

However, not everyone agreed with what was going on.

Almost everyone knew at this point, the rumours had spread like wildfire, and as a result, a small group of citizens, lead by Maria Reynolds, joined together, aiming to end the relationship between the two lovers. They called themselves "The Truth Seekers".

Meetings where held every Sunday in a secluded hut outside the kingdom. Maria would usually arrive later than everyone else, as before hand she usually needed extra time to gather her supplies.

One Sunday afternoon, months after the club had been established, Maria kicked open the doors, and rushed to her seat and the large round table located in the centre of the room. She threw herself onto the chair, and slammed a piece of paper in the table.

"Right! Silence!" She boomed, slamming her fist on the table, causing everyone to insanely freeze in shock. "I have a plan, it's risky, but if it works, it'll work well".

The members of the group looked at each other in confusion, before turning their heads back to Maria.

"First! We must somehow strengthen their relationship, and pretend to support them!" She scribbled something down on a scrap piece or parchment, and held it up to the crowd.

"Next, we have them married! A small simple wedding shall suffice, however, knowing of the kings expensive tastes he will most likely demand a more extravagant wedding. So, all of you will help the king plan said wedding when the time comes!"

She looked around, a pleased grin spread across her pale face. She ticked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, and scribbled something again down on the paper.

"Now then, as we all know Oliver hates confrontation, and is scared shitless by anything. However, after he is married, he's gonna feel great about himself, overly confident, Ive seen it happen before".

This was not a lie, she had watched multiple love interests of hers marry, and become very confident in themselves and their marriage.

"However!" She continued, gazing around the room. "This confidence will only last around 3 months. So, we must be quick."

"Now then, whats the best way to get rid of someone in such a short amount of time?"

She took a moment to have another look around the confused faces of her followers.

"Easy, you kill them."

The room gasped in shock, looking up to their leader.

"You may be wondering how will I accomplish this? Simple. I will get into an argument with Ollie over his marriage, and then offer to duel him to settle the matter. Since he will be in his confidence phase, he will most likely accept. However, Ollie will quickly realise his mistake, and will probably raise his gun in the air or some stupid shit".  She rested her hands on the table, proud of the plan she had come up with.

"I'll shoot him. Dead. I have years upon years of gun training from my father, I'll shoot him near his ribs, so he'll bleed out slowly and painfully."

The room looked at her in a mixture of shock and amazement.

"Because!" She announced, slamming her fist on the table. "We are THE TRUTH SEEKERS!"

The room erupted into applause, and Maria curtsied before announcing the end of the meeting.

~Scene transition oh wow~

Meanwhile, George had been planning and plotting for the longest time. He was nervous, but excited. He and Ollie had been dating for over 7 months now, and George felt he was ready to propose.

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