Chapter 2

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Ollie scurried to the kitchen, holding a piece of parchment containing the king's oddly specific tea order.

He arrived at the kitchen, and knocked on the door before pushing the great white doors open.

"Well well well, isnt it the kings little page boy" the head chef taunted, causing the rest of the room to turn towards him.

Ollie stepped in, letting the doors close behind him, and handed the neatly folded parchment to the head chef.

The chef carelessly unfolded the paper, and read it aloud to the room.

"One cup of english tea, exactly 1 spoon of sugar, 250ml of milk..." the chef continued, skimming the paper until he reached the bottom.

"...and whatever Ollie wants." It read, to Ollie's surprise. "Signed, King George".

The head chef tossed the partchment to another chef, and barked at him to prepare the tea.

"So what do you want then?" The chef asked in a mocking tone, shoving Ollie hard into the wall.

Ollie looked at him confused, and opened his mouth to reply, but was swiftly met with a hard slap to the face.

"I could have your job, you know" the head chef began, staring coldly into Ollie's fearful emerald green eyes.
"I could sit on my ass with him all day, but no, a scrawny little kid gets the job". He gave Ollie a hard punch in the stomach, causing him to slump onto the floor in pain. He looked up at the man towering above him, holding back the salty tears that threatened to fall.

"Oh look, the little fuck boy's crying"the chef laughed, kicking Ollie again, before ordering another one of the chefs to get him the boiling water.

"Today's my last day here kid" he sneered, taking the kettle, filled to the brim with boiling hot water. "By this time tomorrow, Ill be long long gone." He snarled, holding the kettle just above him. "Might as well make sure Im remembered".

Just as the man was about to pour the kettle all over Ollie, the doors swung open, and there stood George, accompanied by two guards who rushed to detain the chef.

"I want him locked in the prisons until I decide upon an appropriate punishment" the king commanded, as the guards hauled the man away.

"The rest of you" the king began, gazing upon the faces of about 15 other shocked chefs. "You are fired, get out of my sight before I lock all of you up, too".

"And you" he said, pointing  to Ollie, in a slightly calmer tone. "To my office".

Ollie nodded, as the rest of the chefs scurried out, fleeing the castle like rats in a fire.

Ollie was still in shock, a million thoughts racing through his mind, which were all interrupted when he coughed up a concerning amount of blood onto the floor.

"Sir..." he moaned, wiping the blood from his mouth. "Im-"

"Nows not the time for apologies" the king replied, holding out his hand for Ollie, to which he gladly took. "Head to the infirmary, then to my office, we'll discuss this then."

George hoisted Ollie up the ground, staring deeply into Ollie's fear filled eyes.

"No, never mind, your not in the right state of mind or body to go by yourself" he commented, watching as Ollie struggled to stand independently.

George wrapped his arm around Ollie's shoulder, and walked him to the infirmary, occasionally patting his back to attempt to comfort the shorter man.

Eventually, they arrived, and George led Ollie to a bed, and instructed the nurse to take care of him, and explained the situation.

The nurse nodded, and instructed Ollie to lie down.
"Send him to my office when he recovers, don't let him out of your sight until he's ready." The king commanded. "Try find out what happened, but..."

The king sighed, letting his voice become calmer. "Don't be too hard on him, he's very sensitive , and he really likes sweet things so maybe give them some of those..." George informed.

"But I'm not too fussed, as long as he gets better, just do what you believe is best" he suddenly snapped, returning to his normal, firmer tone, before walking out the door and to his room.

Oh boy was that long, and George sorta sounds really mean tbh, so I might make him softer towards Ollie as time goes on.
Next update should be out tomorrow.

Oh yeah, also thinking Im giving this a sad ending that relates back to the main musical sorta, but I wont spoil it. :)

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