Chapter 10

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They stayed at the beach for a while after, watching the sun fade into the horizon, Ollie curled up next to George.

George watched as the stars began to twinkle in the sky, and quickly glanced at his watch.

"1:00?!" George whispered to himself in surprise. "Ollie we should-" George stopped, realising how peaceful Ollie looked.

George picked him up bridal style, and gently placed him upright on the horse in front of him, using one hand to support him and the other to steer the horse home.

Eventually they arrived, the blonde cautiously glanced around the area, checking to see if anyone was there.

When he was confident he and Ollie were alone, he picked him up gently, and carried him bridal style to Ollie's room.

Luckily, Ollie was very light for his age, so it was relatively easy to carry him up through the palace.

George arrived at Ollie's room, and gently lifted up the covers, and placed his lover beneath the silky blanket.

"George?" Ollie murmured, still half asleep, his green eyes slowly blinking open.

"Yes love?" George whispered, watching as Ollie rolled over to face him.

"Could you stay with me tonight?" Ollie whispered, still half asleep.

George nodded, and climbed into bed with him, too tired to take off his clothes.

"Thanks Georgie~" Ollie whispered, as George pulled the covers over them both, quickly giving Ollie a small goodnight kiss on his forehead.

Ollie had already fallen back to sleep, and George spent some time slowly playing with Ollie's chocolate brown hair until he too fell asleep.

The next morning, the two slept until late into the afternoon, until George was woken by a soft knock on the door.

"Oliver, it's Samuel Seabury, I came to bring you up some food!"

"Shit" George mumbled to himself, slowly creeping out of bed, being careful not to wake his sleeping fiancé. Samuel knocked again.

"Oliver are you in there?" A concerned voice asked.

George looked around in desperation, before laying his eyes on a large oak wardrobe in the corner.

"Oliver, if you don't answer, Im coming in".

George rushed over to the wardrobe, and pulled the doors open before stepping inside and letting it close behind him.

"Oliver I'm coming in!" The voice announced. George heard the doors swing open, and heavy footsteps walk towards Oliver. George carefully pushed the wardrobe's heavy door open slightly, and peeked through the small gap he created.

He watched as Samuel lay down a cup of tea and a plate of toast on his bedside table. Samuel sighed, and looked down at Ollie, who was still fast asleep.

"Oliver! Wake up!" Samuel shouted, giving Oliver a light shake. "Up! I need to ask you a few questions".

Ollie slowly woke up, and looked around in confusion. He remembered getting George to sleep with him, so where was he?"

"Oliver!" Samuel snapped, causing Ollie to face him nervously. "Yeah? What is it?"

"I just wanted to ask about you and the kin-" Samuel was quickly interrupted.

"The king? What about him? What do you know? What happened? Where is he? I-" Ollie interrogated, leaping out of bed.

"Oliver, calm down!" Samuel whispered "Im not even supposed to be here, its just that..."

Samuel sighed, looking up to Oliver. They barely knew each other, but Samuel still didn't want anything to happen to Ollie, or his relationship.

"We all know whats going on between you and the king." Samuel confessed.
"Someone saw you in the garden kissing the king and-"

"What? How? What do you mean? Samuel tell me, who saw? Do you know anything else?".
Ollie questioned, his hands shaking. Ollie and George planned to keep their relationship secret until they were ready to come out, as they knew a majority of the kingdom was homophobic. It was 1776, after all.

"Ollie, it's fine. We don't care." Samuel lied. He didn't want Ollie to het hurt, but then again, he didn't want to upset Maria.

"Look, me and George just got engaged, I cant have-" Ollie realised what he said.

"But you can't tell! Oh god Samuel what will I do! Don't tell I beg of you!"

George was tempted to rush out of the closet and throw Samuel out the window, he knew he was awful at keeping secrets.

Samuel nodded "I won't tell! I promise!" Samuel could already feel the urge to tell someone welling inside him. "I gotta go, business ya know?" Samuel lied, as he rushed out the door.

Ollie sat on the bed in shock, realising he just put his entire relationship in the hands of an almost stranger.

George was stuck on what to do, did he come out, did he wait for Ollie to leave?

"Its all my fault! Im ruined! My relationship is ruined!" Ollie sobbed.
"H-he's gonna go tell everyone and-" Ollie was too upset to finish.

"I knew I shouldn't of gotten so attached, George's gonna hate me after this!" Ollie screamed to himself in frustration.

"No no no no Ollie please don't think I hate you". George whispered to himself. He wanted to just run up to Ollie and hug him and tell him how he could never hate him, but he felt it wasn't his place.

Ollie began to pace around the room nervously, his head throbbing from the stress, tears still pouring down his face.

"God Im disgusting, I'll just take a shower, and find George and pretend everything is fine!" Ollie explained to himself, ripping off his t-shirt and jeans, leaving him in only his boxers.

That's when George saw them, covering every inch of his exposed skin.

Ollie stormed into the bathroom out of view as the realisation washed over George like a wave.

"Self harm scars..." he whispered to himself, already beginning to cry.


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