Chapter 2

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Finally, I pulled into the parking lot of Tasha's complex to park next to her black Audi sport; I've always envied her car as it was so streamlined and just divine. I wish I knew what she did to earn money like that; next to her gorgeous car is Clint's Harley Davidson. Ok scratch that I wish I knew what they both did for a living.

Picking up my overnight bag I locked the car and quickly walked towards the condo's door; I sighed dreamily as I imagined living in a place like this. I knew the building next to Tasha's had been empty for a long time and while I could never afford to live here on minimum wage, a girl could dream right?

Knocking on the door I leaned back against the wall of her place to wait for her to answer the door; luckily I don't have to wait too long as soon Clint has opened up the door for me.

"Ninja Princess...glad you could stop by." He said as he enveloped me in a big brotherly hug; I returned the hug before tugging on his dark hair,

"You are a Knob head; why do you still insist on calling me, Ninja Princess?" He smiled as he placed a hand on my back to lead me into Tasha's living room. Since the day I broke that mans' nose in the diner he has called me Ninja Princess...I always pretended to be insulted but truthfully I didn't mind at all.

"Come on princess lets' get you a drink; we've got a party to go to." I stared at him in disbelief; I thought we were only going to have a few drinks in a bar not to attend a party.

"Clint I don't do parties you know that? Every time I go to one some bastard always tries to cop a feel." Sat on the couch I glared at him, "Whose bright idea was this?" I asked picking up the whiskey he had placed on the table in front of me.

"Not ours; we got invited by a friend...and you do not say no to this guy?" Tasha replied from the doorway; her gorgeous red hair hanging in curls around her face, "but we've got a bit of time...tell me what happened with Carl?" I cringed at the thought of my ex-boyfriend before I drunk the whiskey in one gulp,

"Same thing that always happens? I wouldn't sleep with him so he slept with my flatmate before trying to prove to me that I was missing out in a cringe-worthy crotch grab." Pouring another drink I slammed this one home too before Clint took the glass away from me,

"Want me to kick his arse?" He said as he laid his arm across the back of the couch so that it rested on my shoulders but I shook my head,

"No, he is probably going to the hospital for a testicular retraction right about now," I said grinning as I remembered the pain on his face. Clint tapped me on the shoulder and smiled,

"That's my girl." He said before pouring me another drink, "Do you have any other clothes to wear...this party is pretty swish." He asked as he handed me the glass

"No, I've only got the clothes on my back; that rat bastard burnt all my clothes when I walked out on him after he smacked me around a bit," I replied once I sank lower into the seat. I realized that alcohol was not my friend when I saw the anger light up in Clint's' eyes, turning his usual warm blue eyes into a cold glacier blue. Suddenly Tasha had pulled me up beside her to lead me into her room,

"I'm sure I've got something you can wear," She said before stopping at an enormous closet; as she started pulling things aside she was critically evaluating them. All of a sudden she pulled out this gorgeous red number with a v neck on the front and a naughty plunge in the back. As she pulled out shoes and accessories I couldn't help but gape at the dress

"Tasha, I cannot wear that." I exclaimed, my face burning a dark shade of crimson, "it definitely sends out the wrong idea." I remarked as I picked up the dress, realizing the material was so thin that I wouldn't be able to wear underwear with it either.

"Yes, you can." She replied as she exited the closet and led me to the ensuite in her bedroom. 

"Trust me; I wouldn't lead you astray and you know Clint would break any one's fingers if they dared to look at you improperly." She pushed me to the bathroom, "Now go have a shower and I will get the stuff ready to do your hair and makeup." Sighing I made my way to the shower and hoped to Christ I'm not making a fool of myself.


While Anna was in the shower and Tasha had got the stuff already to transform her, she walked back into the room to see Clint pacing the length of it,

"Can I kill him, Nat?" He asked, "He is the scum of the earth for treating her like that." Shaking her head Nat placed a hand on his arm,

"As much as I would love to kill him we need to make sure Anna stays in town first." She said pulling him so he sat on the couch next to her,

"Do you think he is a good match for her Nat? I mean Steve is from a different time altogether; he has old fashioned values that many women in this time would find laughable." Biting her lips she rubbed his arm gently,

"And Anna has some of those same values; she wants to be swept off her feet by a gentleman and someone who will treat her with respect. Not use her as a punching bag or expect her to sleep with him just because it is the in thing to do now." Agitated Nat started to drum her fingers on the table, "I knew Carl was hitting her but she didn't say anything." 

As she went to say more the shower turned off in her room, 

"ok give us 30 minutes and she will be transformed into a 1940s starlet." She said nudging Clint as she got up. As he still looked worried so she rubbed his shoulder, "Trust me this is a match made in heaven; they are perfect for each other." She remarked before leaving the room,

"I hope you are right Nat; I really do. I'd rather not go head to head with the Cap if he hurts her." He answered knocking back the whiskey before pouring another; as his phone began to ring he saw Tony's face on the screen. Answering it he sighed,

"We will be there in about an hour Tony." He said before hanging up "Impatient Bastard."

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