Chapter 12

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"List completed." JARVIS electronic voice sounded from Tony's watch. As he opened up the list Natasha and Steve came out from the parlor in civilian clothing while Thor and Banner came into the living room from the second half of the condo.

"Where are Barton and Anna?" Steve said, running his hand through his sleep-tousled hair while covering his mouth with his other hand as he gave a jaw-cracking yawn. Natasha popped her head into the downstairs bedroom saying a few words to the occupants before she closed the door again,

"Clint has just woken up but Anna is still sleeping; he is staying in there with her for now. I'll tell him what is going on after." She looked directly at Tony, "What have we got?"

"Well looking at this list Pepper has managed to run it through Interpol databases with the help of Nick Fury and it appears we have some serious contenders on the list. The others are small time fish that while dangerous can be dealt with by the other SHIELD agents; but these three..." using his phone as a remote he bought up screens on the wall, "Mr. Ying-Yang, Mr. Dante Shade and Miss Amelia Grove are on the FBI and Interpol's most wanted list." He pulled up their files and started reading them aloud, "Mr. Ying-Yang, specialties torture, rape, electricity...Mr. Dante Shade specialties Archery, Sniper, torture...Miss Amelia Grove specialties Torture, poison, black widow." He looked at all the group, "We need to decide if we are going after these people as a group or in pairs. Banner we may need the big guy."

"I think we need to pair up but that means leaving Anna unprotected and I don't think we can do that." Clint said as he walked from the bedroom where the both of them had been sleeping, "We know that the Asian guy and the Archer were in Queens I say four of us go there while the other two stay here." Clint goes and poured himself a coffee just as Anna entered the living room.


Hearing voices I woke to find myself curled up in Clint's arms as he tried to listen to what they were saying in the other room. As he turned to me he smiled,

"Morning Princess, you are finally awake then?" Stretching I looked up at him and then the room around us,

"How did I get here...last I remember I was in the bath!" As I looked at him I saw his smirk,

"Well someone fell asleep in the bath again; geez Anna if I weren't a happily married man and looked at you like you were my own sister I'd swear you fall asleep in the bath on purpose." He sat up and perched on the end of the bed and raised his eyebrow, "I got you out of the bath and into bed; you were so tired you didn't even know what was going on." Standing up he walked to the door to exit the room, "I need to see what they have found out ok." Nodding I watched him as he left the room but kept the door slightly ajar so I could hear what was being said in the other room.

"I think we need to pair up but that means leaving Anna unprotected and I don't think we can do that," Clint stated as he exited the room to the people beyond, quickly I got out of bed and left the room myself.

"You said this security system was top notch, well now is the time to prove it. You can leave me here so the group of you can go and find these people." Looking at the room I saw that Steve shook his head at my suggestion, "Steve you can't leave two people behind to babysit me; you guys are a team so need to be all out on the field." Crossing my arms I stared down at them before I grabbed the coffee cup out of Clint's hand to take a sip.

"She is right you know. This system is the best we have got, she will be safe here." Tony answered from his side of the room, "Banner and Nat you take on Miss Groves, Thor and Steve you can take on Mr. Ying-Yang, Barton and I will get Mr. Shade. As soon as you get your target and drop them at SHIELD HQ for questioning come straight back to the house, we can plan our next attack to find Carl Jenkins."

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