Chapter 10

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"Come on Anna stay with me." She heard the voice faintly but already her body was floating in the air taking in the building around her, it was depilated and decayed. As she looked down she saw Steve with tears in his eyes wearing his Captain America suit doing CPR on a body underneath him. Shocked she realized it was her own body. Suddenly Clint and Tasha ran in and stopped when they saw who Steve was trying to save.

"Anna, no..." She watched as Tasha's legs gave way while Clint grabbed her to stop her hitting the floor. She saw Tasha crying and Clint holding onto her tightly, she also saw he had tears in his eyes. While he pulled his arms around her Tasha started to cry into his shoulder, she did not want to witness their friend slipping away from them.

"Stark do something?" Clint looked up as Tony came flying in wearing his Iron man suit just before he knelt next to Anna's own body. He pressed something on his visor and studied her body,

"Her heart has stopped; Steve keep going with the CPR when I say stand back, then stand back." He said as he once again pressed something on his suit, "Steve stand back." Once he moved Tony laid his hands, one on the top right of her chest and the other on the bottom left of her chest, before a Zap of electricity hit her body; causing her ghostly image to also zap from the impact.

Suddenly she felt like she was drifting back to her body, she was getting closer and closer to it when all of a sudden she woke up and looked into the eyes of Steve. Smiling he reached down to rub her face with his calloused hands before leaning in to kiss her gently on the lips,

"Welcome back." He said which caused me to smile before letting the darkness take me away into a peaceful slumber.


Once I woke I discovered that I was in a small room like the cell, but this one had a homely feel to it. There were hand-drawn pictures on the wall and the sound of mats squeaking from somewhere beneath me.

Getting myself up from the bed with a heavy sigh I noticed I'm in nothing but a grey t-shirt. So with the sheet firmly wrapped around me, I peered out of the door of the room and saw down a flight of steps what looked like a gym where people were using punch bags, weights and what appeared to be two men sparing in a boxing ring in the middle of the room.

Pulling myself closer to the balcony I saw Steve was in the ring where two men were sparring, giving them instructions to make sure they block their faces. As if he could feel me watching he looked up and caught my eye. With a quick word to the people sparring he launched himself out of the ropes and started making his way up the stairs until finally, he was in front of me, his blue eyes lightened in relief as he saw me awake.

As I go to speak he pulled me to him in a bone-crunching hug before pulling away from me as he led me in the room that I had just woken up in.

"I'm glad you are awake." He said as he pulled a bottle of water from the mini-fridge before he handed it to me. Cracking open the seal I took a small sip before I sat back on the bed.

"Where am I?" Asking this I looked around the room before finally spotting some sweat pants on the chair next to the door. Hurriedly I get up and pulled them on before letting the sheet drop to the floor.

"I bought you back to my place once the doctors were finished with you at SHIELD." He said picking up the discarded sheet before folding it up on the bed "after what happened at Stark tower and the factory I didn't feel safe leaving you alone." He blushed while he started tidying up around the room.

"Who were those men?" Sat back on the bed I leaned against the headboard and brought my feet to curl up under me, "They said their employer wanted me dead." With a hand placed against my mouth, I could feel my eyes starting to overflow with tears. Suddenly he was next to me, pulling me into his lap so I could cry into his shoulder as the sobs wracked my tiny frame.

"Shh Anna, you are safe here. No one knows I bought you back here they wanted me to take you to another safe house, but if they managed to grab you at Stark tower then there is a chance they could grab you at the safe house too." He looked at me worriedly, "short of getting Thor to take you back to Asgard, which I couldn't let happen this was the safer option." I laid there until I could speak without my breath getting caught in my throat.

"I saw you, you know." I waited until he looked at me confused, "back at the factory. I was floating above my body and I could see you doing CPR on me, telling me to stay with you." He looked at me with astonishment in his blue suburban eyes,

"I've heard people talk about out of body experiences but never have I met someone who had one." He said as he rubbed my shoulders gently, "we don't know who those guys are as we never caught them; we were so worried about you and trying to save you that they got away." Shivering I clung tighter to him, "but JARVIS is working on it ok? He managed to hack into the CCTV in the area so he could get pictures of the two men." Nodding I realized I needed to get up but my legs didn't seem to work; it was like my whole body had shut down now that it had found safety in a pair of strong arms.

"How are Tasha and Clint? I need to speak to them," I said once I pulled back from him so I could look him in his azure eyes, "they need to know I'm safe." He looked at me quietly before finally, he nodded his head.

"Ok, I'll get them to meet us at Nat's' place." He said as he pulled out an old fashioned flip cell phone before leaving the room. "Nat its Steve..."


Currently, I am sat on the back of a motorbike, not that I had looked at the scenery as I had my eyes firmly closed behind the motorbike helmet I'm wearing. Steve told me it was a Harley-Davidson Street 750 but all I knew was it was sweet and streamline but really fast.

It felt weird as I sat on it though as the vibration from the engine caused little shocks to work their way through my body. I'd never ridden a motorbike before. My parents would never let me learn how to ride one saying it was too dangerous on the roads with all the idiot car drivers, so sat on this bike was a new experience. After Steve had finished up his call he quickly packed a few t-shirts and sweat pants into a bag for me, promising me that Tony was bringing the rest of the clothes Pepper had bought me from Stark Tower.

He also told me that because Steve did not want to take me to a safe house, Tony had sorted something out with Tasha so he could buy the condo under a pseudonym next door to hers and remodel it into one big house so we had another home base that was off the grid from Stark Tower and the Avengers.

Although it would take time for the building to be remodeled inside it was now fitted with the best unhackable security system around, meaning it was safer than even Stark Tower. He said there was something about there not being a back door into the server. Dut computer Jargon and Steve did not mix well together. Hell, he barely knew how to use a microwave let alone a computer.

So here I was sat on the back of Steve's bike clinging on for dear life. He did tell me about a handle that was situated behind me that I could hold on to, however, when I first tried that and the bike moved I fell off the bike so I chose the safer option of clinging onto him as if my life depended on it. He didn't say anything but I could tell in the tense way he held his body he was feeling uncomfortable but at the moment I really didn't care I just didn't want to die by falling off this bike. Eventually, we pulled to a stop outside of Tasha's condo where I gratefully slid myself off the bike nonetheless, my legs were so wobbly from the bike ride that they would not hold me up so Steve quickly picked me up and carried me into the open door of Tasha's half of the condo.

"Anna..." Immediately I'm whisked out of Steve's arms and held in the tight embrace of Clint who had practically fallen to the floor in his rush when he pulled me tight to his body. Suddenly Tasha was there next to me and all three of us are huddled on the floor, Tasha and I were crying and I could hear Clint as he sniffled ever so slightly, "Thanks Cap..." he said in a husky voice before he pulled both of us into his arms once more.

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