Chapter 5

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"I don't know why you insisted on me coming here; you could have taken her to a hospital," Stark grumbled as he walked into Nat's home toward the bedroom where he could see Clint pacing by the door. "Agent Barton, you are going to wear a hole in that carpet." He snapped snidely before he entered the room to see Anna on the bed unconscious, with the Cap and Nat sat next to her bathing superficial cuts and abrasions on other parts of her body.

Touching the side of his mask he switched to the x-ray vision he installed a few months ago while tinkering with his new suit. When he looked at her arm he noticed that it was indeed broken, "Her bone above her wrist is broken; we may be able to move it back into place – but this should really be done in a hospital." He said while indicating where the bone was broken.

"No Stark, we can't take her to the hospital," Nat said, "She hates them." She got up from the bed and started looking through the Medikit. "I know I had some in here somewhere!" she exclaimed while pulling items out of the bag, "I'm sure they were here somewhere." Her face lit up as she pulled out two splints, bandages, and cotton wool. "Stark can you watch the bone while I pull it back into place?" Nodding Tony looked at the broken arm and watched as Nat pulled the pieces back together.

"You should be feeling it slip back into place right" He said as the bones slid back together. Steve looked at Nat as she nodded that she had a firm grip on the arm before he gently placed the cotton wool and splints on either side of her arm, while Clint came over to start wrapping a bandage around both the splint and arm. Ensuring it was tight but not enough to cut off her blood supply. Tony gave it one last sweep before nodding his head in approval, "Everything is in place." He stood up to leave but the Captain stopped him,

"What did the police say?" Tony removed his mask to look at the Steve,

"Even with the video evidence they can't get a clear shot of what happened, so unless she comes forward as a witness they will let him go in 72 hours." As Steve was about to protest Tony shushed him, "JARVIS is working on the video to clear it up so she doesn't have to testify...I'm sure she doesn't want to see that man again, especially after what he said to her." He walked out of the door and left the building. Shouting "I'm going to get some Shawarma, everyone play nice until I get back."

"Steve..." Nat said from next to him, "Can you get me an ice pack; she is going to have one hell of a headache when she wakes up." Nodding he left the room while Nat started to rub ointment on the various carpet burns and abrasions on her skin. He pulled Clint outside with him and walked to the kitchen.

"Clint...Tell me about Anna?" He asked hoping Barton would be a bit more forthcoming then Nat. Clint looked at him, sighed and went to put on the coffee machine. He sat down while waiting for the coffee pot to fill, "Why did you want Tony and me to stop her leaving the city?" He asked, pulling three coffee mugs out of the cupboard,

"She is our friend..."Clint replied but Steve could see he wanted to say something else so raised his eyebrows at him, "Fine it was Nat's' idea...I'm just going along for the ride." He said shuffling to pour the now brewed coffee into the three cups before getting the milk out of the fridge.

"What was Nat's idea?" Steve asked as he passed the sugar to Clint, who proceeded to put a spoon in each cup.

"Matchmaking," He said before taking a sip of his coffee, "Hmm I needed that."

"Who is she matchmaking?" He asked but Clint just looked at him. Finally, the penny dropped and Steve shook his head, "Oh no...what were you thinking? I don't need someone to play cupid; I'm perfectly capable of getting my own dates." He said as he picked up his own coffee to sit at the breakfast bar to drink it,

"Well've been awake how many years and we've never seen you even show a bit of interest in a woman." Clint stood next to him, "Look Nat and I; well we want to see you happy, both of you. We know the women of this time aren't like the women of your time, but Anna is the exception. She is polite, friendly and respectful." He said as he winced slightly at his terminology.

"I don't understand what you hope to accomplish with this?" Steve said as he started to pace the small room.

"That guy who was with her was just one in a long line. She always falls for the men who want to dominate her, or slap her around." He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "Because she won't sleep with them." His eyes pleaded with Steve, "She deserves to know what a nice guy is; who won't try and pressure her into things she doesn't want to do...just think about it." He remarked before he picked up Nat's coffee and took it to her into the bedroom.

As Steve sat there he contemplated what Clint had told him; he was always bought up to respect women and the fact that a man would slap a woman around because she wouldn't sleep with him; or because she was not strong enough to defend herself irked him greatly. Suddenly he heard Nat's soft footfalls enter the room behind him,

"How is she?" He turned around to look at his other friend and teammate. She smiled slightly at him before sitting next to him to drink her coffee.

"She is sleeping now. I hope that bastard is locked up for good." She vehemently said the anger in her eyes shone brightly. "But with the money, he comes from; chances are he will be bailed out by his father." She said as she pulled out her phone to show him the file that JARVIS had just sent her. He took her phone and read through the information before handing it back to her.

"So he is from old money then?" He said as his anger simmered beneath his skin, "Well hopefully JARVIS can clean up that video so he can be locked away for a very long time." All of a sudden the exterior door is opened and Tony walks in with bags of Shawarma for everyone.

"Nat, Cap, time to eat." He yelled down the corridor, "Barton." As Clint walked up the hallway he gave Tony a droll stare,

"She is finally sleeping peacefully; do you have to yell?" Tony shrugged as he started putting trays on the breakfast bar. Clint grabbed up a bowl and put some aside for when Anna woke up.

While they were eating food Anna came stumbling down the corridor. As she reached the door to say hi her legs gave way and Steve caught her.

Finding love with the Captain #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now