Chapter 19 - six months later

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"Order up." As I grabbed the plate from the counter I made my way over to the table in the corner where a group of men had ordered the shared platter to go with their beers. On the television screen across the way, the Arizona Cardinals were playing the Patriots in the final of the super bowl which was why Murphy's sports bar was so busy tonight. Suddenly the broadcast was interrupted by a news bulletin causing all the men in the bar to groan in unison.

"Carl Jenkins, son of Senator Scott Jenkins and CEO of Jenkins industries has been acquitted of all charges due to the lead witness not turning up in court.

Anna Smith, originally from Missouri has not been seen for over six months now and as she didn't turn up to the court date the judge threw out the charges yesterday due to lack of testimonies.

While these charges have been dropped through the case is still open as authorities search for the missing twenty-six-year-old.

Once the camera followed Carl as he came down the steps I could see in the background Steve and Tony watching from across the street. Due to the camera's being focused on Carl though no one noticed that Captain America and Iron man were there too.

It had been six months since I had seen any of the Avengers and while I missed them I knew this was for the best. Although my thoughts were constantly filled with images of them all; especially Steve as he laid in the hay below me.

"Keisha, you got a table to serve." Marcus, the owner of the bar called to me from his spot at the end of the mahogany counter. I grabbed the damp cloth from the counter and swiped it across my burning head. I hadn't been feeling right for days now but I needed to keep working otherwise I just wallowed in self-pity over the man with suburban blue eyes I had left behind in New York.

While I put on my most professional smile I sauntered over towards the table where two men and a woman were sitting there in baseball caps. That was strange as people usually took their hats off when they entered the bar.

"Good afternoon my name is Keisha and I will be your server today. Are you ready to order?" As I looked down at the table I could almost feel my eyes bug out of my head as I saw the face of Steve beneath the cap, although he now had a beard.

"Can we have three bronco burgers with fries and a pitcher of beer please ma'am." He said to me with no hint of recognition in his eyes as he looked at me. Surely I haven't changed that much in six months that he wouldn't recognize me. Glancing at the table I noticed the other two were Clint and Tasha, who also appeared not to recognize me.

"Of course let me put the order through and I will bring you your pitcher and three glasses." Turning from the table I headed towards the bar to pass the order to the kitchen staff before filling a pitcher full of beer with shaking hands. As Naomi, another waitress with pink hair, walked beside me I grabbed her arm. "Naomi, can you take this pitcher to table 3, please. I'm feeling a bit faint." I said shucking off my apron so I could leave the building through the back entrance into the alleyway where I could catch my breath. The last thing I remembered as I left the building was the floor coming up to meet my face.


"That was her," Steve said to Clint and Tasha as a pink-haired waitress bought over their drinks. To get her notice he touched her lightly on the arm. Her mouth dropped as she realized who was sitting at the table,

"Your Captain America." She all but squealed as her pink hair bobbed furiously in its ponytail,

"Yes, ma'am I am. What happened to the other waitress? The one who took our order." He asked once she stopped jumping up and down in the one spot.

"Oh, you mean Keisha. She needed to take a break as she was feeling a bit light headed. Between you and me I don't think she ever sleeps as she works here from dawn till dusk seven days a week. No wonder she hasn't been feeling well." As the waitress looked around the bar she laid a hand on Steve's arm. "If you are around for a couple of days maybe we could get together so I can show you the sights." She said as she handed him her phone number. "I finish at seven."

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