Chapter 8

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Steve went down to the gym and placed a punching bag on the hook. Putting on his boxing gloves he started hitting the punch bag. After all, Clint had told him about Anna he let his feelings as a man get in the way. She didn't need a man like that, she needed a friend and a protector.

With every swing of the bag, he could see her face as she laughed at his antics. The way her skin felt under his calloused hands and the way her lips looked moist and inviting. As her tongue poked out to touch her bottom lip he felt the need to taste the beer that was lightly dusting the top of her mouth. With each thought, he hit the bag until suddenly he hit it so hard that the seam split and the sand inside started trailing on the floor in a semi-circle as the bag continued to move from the momentum of his punches.

"Well someone has a serious case of anger?" Tony Stark's voice sounded from the doorway as he entered the room while still in his Iron Man suit, "Are you ok Grandpa?" He said as he stopped the broken punch bag from swinging anymore.

"I'm fine Tony. Just training" Steve says as he removed the old punch and placed a new one on the hook. As he started to hit the bag Tony grabbed hold of it to stop it swinging too much,

"Steve, look at me?" He waited until Steve looked at him before carrying on, "The last time you acted like this was when Peggy died and you were locked up in the Gym for weeks." He tapped the bag lightly, "How did babysitting Anna go?" He asked. Suddenly he jumped back when Steve started punching the bag again although harder than before.

"It...went...fine. We...Had...Pizza...watched films...and then I tried to kiss her." He said punching the bag so hard after each word until the bag went flying across the room. Steve sat down on the bench and placed his head in his gloved hands.

"Oh." Tony said as he sat on the bench beside him, "and I'm guessing that is not a good thing?" He said as he looked at Steve who grabbed a towel and started wiping it over his neck and face.

"You would be right." He replied as he fell to the floor to do 100 push-ups. "She has had so much bad stuff happen with guys that she doesn't need another guy showing an interest." He said as he sped up on his push-ups.

"Steve she may have had bad stuff happen with guys, but surely she needs a decent man to show her that not all men are like that," Tony said as he pressed a button on the arm of his suit causing it to shrink down into the bracelet he wore. "Maybe she needs a man out of time to show her that some men are good." As Tony got up he turned back towards the Captain, "Before you dismiss this have you spoken to Anna on her feelings." He asked before walking out of the room, letting the door swing shut behind him, swishing as it settled on its hinges.

Sat back on his haunches he thought on what Tony had said. Not that he agreed with many things he said but in this, he had a point. Maybe she did need a decent man to show her that not all men were after one thing...after all in his time the only person you did sleep with was your wife and he had kept his values all this time. He leaned back on his arm and laughed. That is what Clint and Nat meant so now he had to prove himself to Anna. Getting up from the floor he grabbed the towel and a spare set of clothes before he headed to the shower. What she needed was a nice date with a decent man and he was the one person who could prove to her that there were still men with decent bones in their body. "Thank you, Tony." He said before turning on the shower spray and stripping out if his sweaty clothes.


I had been up here for what seemed like hours and now I was starting to get a serious case of cabin fever. I had turned off the film as I couldn't even focus on Brad Pitt trying to stop a zombie apocalypse while saving his family. I wandered around the room trying to find something to do suddenly I found a door I hadn't even noticed before.

Finding love with the Captain #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now