Chapter 9

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Waking up I realized that my hands and feet were tied to some sort of metal frame in a cold, dank room. There was a little window at the top of the room but the light coming in was not enough to dispel the shadows in the corners of the room. As I tried to yell I could feel a gag cutting into my skin while a ball of some sort of material was pushed so far in my mouth that all I could taste was cotton when I swallowed, the saliva building up at the back of my throat.

Sighing in relief I noticed that the pyjamas I had changed to were still on so, even though it was frigid in the room, the fleecy material offered me some sort of protection against the icy air. This doesn't stop my body shaking violently in fear though at the thought that no one knew where I was.

"Glad to see you are now awake Ms. Smith." A strange voice sounded somewhere to my right but I was unable to turn my head to see who it belonged too, "That was a bit of luck my associate managing to get you out of Avengers Tower." A maniacal chuckle followed the voice before the same voice carried on speaking but with subtle differences.

"Luck my arse, you wanted to go in guns a-blazing and take on all the Avengers but I decided there was a better way and we got her." There was confusion in my head as one man stood out of the shadows finishing that sentence. I tried to look for another man to match the softly spoken voice but no one else emerged from the corners.

"You look confused my dear." The single man said in a soft voice, "but don't worry we are to look after you until the hunter arrives." Said the same man but in a different tone of voice. He reached down to remove my gag before he sat me up to take a sip of water,

"Who are you?" Looking at the man I could see different emotions cross his face like there were two different personalities in there.

"Why we are Ying and Yang." The man replied in two different voices on each name, "now it's time to sleep again Ms. Smith but know that your friends will not find you here." Feeling a scratch on my arm I looked down and realized he had injected me with something. As the room started to spin I could feel unconsciousness invade my eyes which caused black spots to dance at the corners. "Sleep well, Ms. Smith." The Man said before my eyes shut for the final time.


"How long before JARVIS is back up and running Tony?" Steve said from his seat on the couch where he was twirling his shield around.

"Should be any second now Grandpa, it's not rocket science but the virus completely messed up the mainframe." Tony said from the console he was stationed at, "Just give me 5 more minutes."

"Lady Smith may not have five of your earth minutes Tin Man." Thor spoke up from across the room as he paced the entire length again, "Your primal computers are in the dark ages." He said finally stopping by the far wall. Suddenly the system started to buzz as it rebooted.

"JARVIS locate Anna Smith!" Tony said to his AI as the satellite feed finally picked up, "Use GPS on her smartwatch."

"Anna Smith's last known location has been triangulated to these co-ordinates 40°45'00.8"N 73°56'12.2"W In the Borough of Queens." The computer stated through his speakers, "the C.N. West Chemical Factory at Queens Plaza." It confirmed just as the team grab their gear,

"Let's go and rescue our girl." The Captain said as they ran towards the hanger.


I'm not sure how long I had been here for as the drugs they kept injecting me with had knocked me right out. It could've been as little as one hour to as long as a month, I truly didn't know. The only thing I knew for certain was if I was going to be rescued it would've been by now. Which was why I kept hoping I hadn't been here long. Again my eyes opened to pitch black, there was not even light coming from the window above me. I could feel breathing by my left ear but could not move for fear that whoever was there would hurt me again.

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