Chapter 7

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I found myself trapped on one of the floors at Stark Industries staring out of windows that overlooked the New York skyline. Ok, it may not be an actual prison cell but since Steve, Tasha and Clint left me here all doors leading to the rest of the tower had been locked. I had a huge Jacuzzi, spa, and TV on this floor alone but I needed company. 

 I might not be the most social of people but even I liked the odd conversation to break up my day...for weeks I would go without talking to anyone. I'd get up, get changed, go to work, work myself into complete exhaustion before coming back home to sleep. I would go days without eating because I just didn't feel like it and also because one of the many guys I had dated would tell me I was fat and ugly and that I needed to lose weight. Walking over to the couch I sat and pulled my legs up under me, remembering the day I first met Clint and Tasha.

I was standing by the counter chatting to Beth about another failed date; that the jerk was only after sex again;

"You know your problem, Anna. Men don't want women to stay virgins for long...and if they meet one then they need to prove that they are manly enough to be the one the girl will give up her virginity for." Beth stated popping her gum; "Take this manly specimen that just walked in." She whispered pointing to a man and woman who have just entered the diner. The man had short brown hair and blue eyes that seem to observe everything around him; also the red-haired woman seemed to have the same wary look in her eyes. "That is a man who would be like a caveman around a girl like you...he would probably wine and dine you but then the second he found out you were a virgin he would go all Neanderthal on your arse. Beating his chest as he made you cry in pain when he finally succeeds in getting you to do the deed."

"Surely not all men are like that;" I asked as I picked up the coffee pot and moved to the table he and his companion had sat at. "Can I interest you in coffee?" I asked as they slide their cups to be filled. I asked them if they are ready to order but they merely shake their heads. 

 As I turned to leave I noticed a group of men at the table next to them; and cringe when I realized one of them is my failed date from last night. As I started to go past my failed date reached up and snaked his hand up my dress to grope my arse. "Hey!" I exclaimed smacking his hand away from me, "Who said you could touch that?" I say as he stood up and towered over me. He grabbed my arm but I bring the one with the coffee pot in and smashed it against the side of the head;

"You Bitch..." he yelled making a fist before trying to hit me, but the man from the table next to them suddenly stood up and grabbed his hand,

"I think you owe her an apology..." he said as he gripped the man's hand until bones started to crack. The man looked at me and mumbled a sorry before him and his friends leave the diner. My savior turned to me, "Are you ok?" he asked laying a hand on my arm. Just as I'm about to answer I heard the manager call my name,

"ANNA, get your arse in here now?" Smiling gently I pulled away from the man and walk to my boss' office.

"Anna, you cannot treat customers like that?" He reprimanded me before finally uttering the three words no person wants to hear, "You are fired!" He handed me the stuff and led me out of the diner with his hand on my back, "I do not want to see you here again." He yelled before heading back to his office. As I'm walking down the street I heard the door to the diner open and close; expecting it to be Beth I turned around but see the man and woman from the table.

"Hey wait up." The lady said as she approached, "Look I don't agree with what your manager did, but you can do better than that. I'm Tasha and this is Clint." Shaking their hands I mumbled a quick thank you and turned to leave but a male hand stops me in my tracks,

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