Chapter 15

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As the sun began to set I could feel the car pull off to the right along a dark and bumpy road. However, currently, I'm laid with my head on Steve's lap as I tried to sleep. My body had decided that enough adrenaline had pumped through it so now I was ready to crash. As the truck pulled to a stop Steve shook me slightly to get me to move. I sat up and looked at the landscape around me. Gasping I recognized the house that we have pulled up to and the woman standing on the porch with three kids around her playing. Glancing I felt anger building in my body.

"You bought me to your fucking house, Clint?" Snapping I pulled away from Steve's hand that he had rested on my arm, "Why would you do that? You've probably put them in danger now." Turning towards the front I saw that Clint was now in the passenger seat while Tasha was driving the truck. He looked at me with his own brand of anger in his eyes,

"This is the safest place for you. No one knows where it is, plus it was Laura's idea." He all but yelled as he got out of the truck to walk towards Laura who ran up to him along with the kids. Crossing my arms I really didn't want to leave the truck but I started feeling guilty at how I shouted at Clint, he was only trying his best to protect me like always. Steve was looking at me as he waited to see what I decided to do so. Sighing I left the truck and headed toward the Barton Family,

"Aunty Anna." Little Lila came running up to me so I could bend down and pick her up in a huge bear hug; when all of a sudden Cooper also ran up to me, while little Nathaniel was cuddled in Tasha's arms, and threw his arms around my waist.

"Mom said you were coming to visit," Cooper said as I put his sister down and knelt in the grass next to him to accept his arms around my neck in a crushing hug. "I didn't believe her but here you are." Smiling I kissed them both on the head before I looked at Clint,

"Hey don't worry about me or anything; I'm just invisible." Clint laughed as the two kids ran over towards Steve who had picked them up, one in each arm. "Oh wait I forgot I'm not Captain America, their hero." Chuckling he motioned for us to go in the house, waiting until I'm over the threshold before he followed us in. Touching his arm I kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you Clint." Sighing he ruffled my hair before pushing me gently towards the living area while he headed into the kitchen to make us some food.


"So Steve..." Laura piped up as she walked down the stairs from where she had put the kids to bed with Tasha, "...Clint told me about Bucky. How did it feel after all these years to finally see him again?" Steve looked at me before answering her, his hand rubbing against his tired face.

"It felt really good." Yawning he covered his mouth embarrassed that he couldn't stop the tiredness from showing, "Sorry Laura, I'm so tired. I don't think I've slept properly for nearly three days." As Laura smiled at him she nodded her head in my direction,

"Why don't the three of you go to bed. Anna and I have some catching up to do?" I could see that Steve wanted to protest but Clint laid a hand on his arm,

"Its ok Steve, she is safe here. But I'll take first watch so you and Tasha can get some sleep." Nodding Steve automatically leaned down to brush my cheek with a kiss before he ran up the stairs with Tasha following behind him. Resting my hand against my cheek I could feel a blush rising at what Steve had done; I didn't think he had realized what his actions were as he was so tired, but it made me feel all tingly inside.

Clearing his throat Clint went and sat out on the porch while Laura and I poured a glass of wine before we sat back into the squishy cushions of the couch. Raising her eyebrow she looked at me pointedly while she waited for me to say something.

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