Part 4- Money, a gun and a plan

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We headed over to the park, shivering from the cold night. No one in their right mind would be at the park at 2:30 in the mornin' so we were all alone.

We climbed up on the jungle gym and relaxed. I almost fell off the structure when a loud car horn broke the silence of the night. "Oh darn..." I whispered as we noticed the blue Mustang circle the park slowly.

"What do they want?" Pony asked. "This is our territory. What're the Socs doing out this far East?" I shook my head. "Don't know... But I bet they're lookin' for you guys. You picked up their girls." I stated.

"Oh glory." Pony took a drag on his weed. "Wanna run for it?" He looked over to Johnny and I. "It's too late now. Here they come." Johnny pointed out. "Just act tuff." I said as I hopped down from the jungle gym.

My dream from earlier came rushing back to me. This is the park where it happened... Dreams don't always come true, do they? I felt my knees go weak, in the bad way.

Five Socs came staggering towards us. I was pretty sure they were drunk. No one said a word as they came over. I could only hear Johnny breathing heavily. I caught Bob's eyes again and he grinned maliciously at me.

"Hey, whatta ya know? Here's the little greasers that picked up our girls. And the little girl that picked up some greasers." Bob directed the last part at me. I raised my eyebrow and almost laughed. How's that supposed to be intimidating to me?

Johnny glared at Bob. "You're outta your territory." He warned them in a low voice. "You'd better watch it." Damn, that voice is kinda hot... Stop it! I was interrupted from my stupid thoughts by Bob speaking again.

"No pal, yer the ones who'd better watch it. Next time you want a broad, you pick up your own kind- diet." This made me really mad. I was about ready to start fighting right then, but Johnny's worried stare held me back. I kept my hand closed in a fist, so I would be ready just in case.

"You know what a greaser is?" Bob asked. Don't you dare... "White trash with long hair." I dug my nails into my palm so much that I drew my own blood. I heard Johnny and Pony gasp on either side of me.

"You know what a Soc is?" Pony said shakily. "White trash with Mustangs and madras." He then spit on the socs. Bob shook his head, smiling.

"You could use a bath, greaser. And a good working over, and we've got all night to do it." Bob gestured to one of his friends whom I didn't recognize. "Give the kid a bath, David." Pony backed up into the fountain as David shoved his head into the cold water.

Two others started beating up Johnny and I tried to fight Bob who was slowly advancing towards me. I shook my head, remembering my dream. Bob cornered me as I bumped into the other side of the fountain.

(Creepy-ish and kinda disturbing part. if you don't want to read it, you know what happens next.)

He put his hands on my waist roughly. I tried to shift away, but his grip was too tight. Bob used one hand to push my hair behind my neck. "Don't touch me!" I snapped. I was scared out of my wits and felt like I was going to collapse.

"When did you become miss feisty?" He asked. "I was always feisty." I whispered, terrified. I felt his rough lips on my neck and I tried to squirm away. "Get off of me." I felt hot tears running down my face. "I said get off me!"

Bob pushed me farther onto the ledge of the fountain and I almost fell in. He gripped my thigh underneath my skirt and I screamed loudly as it travelled up further. I looked over his shoulder and saw a dark figure behind him.

(Bad part's over )

Next thing I knew, I was soaked from head to toe and was sitting in the cold fountain. I jumped out quickly and fell to the ground. My head hit the hard cement. I was hyperventilating badly and thought I would faint.

My teeth chattered as the cold wind blew through my soaking clothes. My eyes darted around and fell upon Johnny sitting beside me. He was staring straight ahead, eyes wider than saucers.

Pony was sitting on the other side of him, throwing up. I rubbed my head from when I fell down just moments ago and leaned my head on my arm. "Wh- what's going on?" I asked wearily.

Johnny's eyes flickered over to the ground. I followed his gaze and gasped. Bob was lying there on the ground, a pool of blood trickling over to where I was. The deep red liquid had already soaked into my shirt and part of my skirt. I jumped up and bumped into Johnny.

"Oh my god..." I gulped. I couldn't take my eyes off the body, but it was making me sick. "You really killed him, huh, Johnny?" Pony asked. I felt as though I'd been hit by a truck.

"Yeah." Johnny's voice was shaking. "I had to. They were drowning you, Pony. And," Johnny looked over to me. "He-" Johnny couldn't finish the sentence. I nodded my head in understanding, still shaken up about it myself.

"He what?" Pony asked. I gulped back the new set of tears starting to arrive. Johnny shook his head. "Nothin'. I'll tell ya later." Ponyboy understood not to push any further.

I looked over to Johnny to thank him. That's when I noticed the murder weapon, Johnny's six inch switchblade. My eyes went wider than they'd ever been. He was holding it out in front of him, almost afraid to touch it. The blade was deep red, covered entirely in blood.

"They ran when I stabbed him. They all ran..." Johnny whispered. "Johnny!" Ponyboy suddenly screamed. "What are we gonna do? They put you in the electric chair for killing people!" He was shaking, and I was starting to as well.

"I'm scared, Johnny. What're we gonna do?" Johnny got up and shook Pony. "Calm down, Ponyboy. Get ahold of yourself." I nodded my head and got up as well.

"We gotta get outta here. Get somewhere. Run away. The police'll be here soon." Johnny said. I gulped. "The police..." I stumbled backwards, but Johnny caught me and steadied me on my feet. I felt real dizzy.

"We'll need money. Maybe a gun. And a plan..."

I'm screaming right now! I'm so happy to get into the interesting stuff now. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Stay Gold! 💛

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