Baloney and Fights

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HOTTIE! i'm sorry I'll just go...

HOTTIE! i'm sorry I'll just go

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Aiden's POV

I woke up super late the next day. It was around 2 in the afternoon when my eyes first opened, and half past 3 when I actually decided to get my lazy butt up.

I heard Ponyboy talking to Johnny, then realized he was reading. I washed my face outside with the pump and headed over to the boys. "Whatcha guys reading?" I asked. Johnny replied, "Lost With The Wind. It's a real interestin' book about the American Civil War."

I laughed. "You mean Gone With The Wind? I've read it four times already." Pony looked at me in bewilderment. "Four times?!" I nodded my head. "What? I've read my favourite books about 13 times."

"Thirteen?!" Ponyboy exclaimed again. "Yes! Now shut up and continue reading." I sat down on a wooden bed frame with Johnny. Ponyboy found where he left off and continued reading.

He was at the part where the Southern gentlemen rode into Sure death because they were gallant. "I bet they were cool ol' guys." Johnny thought aloud. "They remind me of Dally."

Pony looked surprised, but I agreed with Johnny. Dal kept his calm when he needed to, and took the blame for things he didn't even do. "Shoot. He ain't got any more manners than I do. You saw the way he treated those girls the other night. Them Southern boys remind me more of Soda."

"Yeah, I guess with the manners bit... and the charm. But one night I saw Dally gettin' picked up by the fuzz and he kept real cool about it. They was gettin' his for breaking the windows in the school building, and it was Two-Bit who did that. Dal knew it. But he just took the sentence without batting an eye or even denyin' it. Now that's gallant."

"Yeah." I agreed. "An' even one time he opened the door for me." Pony rolled his eyes. "He was probably just joking around." I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe, but the way he looked when he did it said otherwise." Pony continued reading until it started to get dark, and he couldn't see the words on the page anymore.

We had found an old wooden table the night before so we could eat on it.
Today, we had a change in the menu. Instead of baloney, it was baloney and bread. How wonderful was that? We started eating in silence.

Johnny's POV

I started eating, not knowing how to make conversation at the moment. "I hate baloney." Pony sighed, but he continued eating it nonetheless. "Yeah me too." Aiden agreed. After that, no one spoke until our 'meal' was finished.

I got up to go put the baloney away, since we were done with it. All of a sudden, I stumbled over my own feet and dropped all of our baloney on the floor.

I started muttering to myself. "You're so stupid, Johnny. You just have to ruin everything, don't you? You can't even do anything righ-" Aiden cut me off. "Johnny what are you talking about?" She asked in bewilderment.

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