No more an 'us'

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"What is wrong with you?? Why are you being so distant??!!" Shawn asked exasperated, clutching his hair in his hands.

"It's nothing Shawn." I brushed it off.

"Its not nothing Camz!" He said firmly, and pulled me closer to him, holding both my hands in his.

"Tell me what's wrong?" He asked me softly. Making me finally break down.

"Camz, baby, why are you crying?" He asked as he pulled me in for a hug.

"S-shawn.." I muttered pulling away from him, his eyes were mixed with confusion and worry.

"I think we need to-" I hiccuped "I think we need to break up."

Shawn's face fell, his eyebrows knitted in confusion and his eyes lost the light.

"W-what Mila what're you- what're you saying?" Shawn stuttered breathing heavily. I just cried even more looking at him.

"No Mila, baby, you can't just break up with me, babe, no." Shawn talked quickly as he breathed heavily and held my shoulders in his hands.

"I'm s-sorry, Shawn. I just can't do this anymore." I sniffled wiping away my tears, only for more of them to flow down my face.

"No. Mila. No!" Shawn said running his hands through his hair frustrated.

"Was it something I did. Baby I'm sorry if I did anything to hurt you I promise I won't do it again but please don't leave me. Baby, please." Shawn said getting on his knees in front of m holding onto my legs.

"S-shawn, what're you doing get up.." I said pulling him up off of the floor.

"It is not your fault, you did nothing wrong, you've been the best to me.. but I just can't be with you anymore shawn.." i muttered sniffling as tears started to appear in shawns eyes. "I'm scared of all this Shawn.." I said

"But Mila.. I love you." He cried, sniffling.

I looked at him and took in his appearance, his trembling bottom lip, his eyes filled with unshed tears, his hair a mess from his fingers constantly combing through them in frustration, and his paled face.

"I'm sorry shawn..I'm sorry .." I said softly, turned around, and left.

As soon as I was out of shawns condo, I heard a heart-wrenching wail coming from inside which almost made me want to run back into Shawns arms. But I couldn't. We weren't meant to be. There was no more an 'us'.


Part 2?

Alsoooo, requests are open at all times :)


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