BFB (Pt. 3)

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"Wait what?" Camila stood up from her chair, shocked.

"You're gonna help me get shawn? Your brother??!" Camila asked, her eyes widening with every word.

Ariana chuckled and Aaliyah nodded.

"All I had to do was get some sense into her." Ariana smiled.

"Was that 'sense' rum? Did you get her drunk again??" Camila exclaimed, still not believing it.

Ariana laughed loudly catching the attention of some people in the cafe they were sitting at.

"No I'm not drunk. I'm serious. I wanna see you happy." Aaliyah grinned.

Camila beamed and ran to hug her two best friends.

"Are you completely sure you're okay with this?" Camila asked Aaliyah one last time.

"A hundred percent." Aaliyah confirmed and Camila squealed slightly.

"Now we just need to come up with a plan for him to fall for you." Ariana spoke up.

"And I know just what we can start with." Aaliyah smirked.

"Come over to mine tomorrow, both of you but Ari you need to come like 30 minutes later." Aaliyah explained. "Oh and Camz, wear your blue ripped jeans, with your off FHE should light pink sweater with a black bralette underneath. Lots of rings but too many, and that little wing necklace you have."

"Woah you really know my closet too well." Camila muttered. "But sure."

"Ah I'm so excited. Finally Shawmila!" Ariana squealed.

"Shaw- what now?" Camila asked, giggling.

"Shawmila, Shawn and Camila." Ariana answered with a grin.

"Oh god." Camila groaned.

"By the way, leave your hair natural cabello, I know what my brother likes and doesn't like."


"God Ari I'm so nervous." Camila squealed into the phone. It was the next day and again Camila stood outside the Mendes house, ready to be let in.

The gate was finally opened by one of the guards and Camila went inside. According to Aaliyah's plan, Camila was supposed to go into Aaliyah's room and leave the rest of the plans to Aaliyah.

Camila did just that but stopped in her tracks when she found Shawn in Aaliyah's room trying to fix one of her shelves.

Cursing out Aaliyah in her head, Camila walked into the room, catching Shawns attention. He gave her a quick once-over and smiled at her.

"Hey, Aaliyah's in the bathroom." Shawn spoke.

"Thanks, I'll just wait for her here." Camila smiler, sitting down on Aaliyah's bed.

She pulled out her phone and quickly began typing out a message to Aaliyah. She knew she'd have her phone with her in the bathroom. She always did.

What the hell are you planning??

Just go on with it, make conversation!



"Um, need any help?" Camila questioner Shawn, noticing him struggling with the shelf.

"Just a little bit." He chuckled.

Camila got up from the bed and walked towards Shawn, holding out a hand for him to place the hammer he was using in it.

She took the hammer and quickly nailed the shelf back into place as Shawn held it in position.

"You're quite the fixer." Shawn grinned. Camila shrugged and smiled.

Aaliyah then walked out of the bathroom and Shawn turned pink.

"See you." Shawn waved awkwardly and left the room.

Camila turned towards Aaliyah and let out a silent squeal.

The door was still open.

Ariana quickly ran in.

"So what happened? I just saw him walk out of the room!" Ariana jumped up as Aaliyah went back and closed the bedroom door.

"I need all the details!"


I think this might need to have a part 4 wow.
I'll be updating that sOon :)

This question is more for me cuz I need some help ..

Q: any tips on how to gain weight?


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