Stranger (Pt. 2)

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A/N: remember the imagine I wrote in August (maybe the 20th imagine if this book)  called 'stranger'? Well I had the idea of a part 2 and here it is :)


"Hey pretty girl, need a drink?" The bartender spoke, scanning Camila up and down as she rolled her eyes.

She'd come to club with her bestfriend Taylor as she had so persisted that she wouldn't be left alone. But even after the promise, Taylor had ended up getting a little crazy once again and screaming and dancing and drinking to her hearts content, leaving Camila alone at the bar, once again.

"No thanks." Camila replied monotonously.

"C'mon. Let me get you a drink. It's on the house." The creepy bartender persisted.

"No. Thank you. I'm good." Camila spoke up firmly.

For the next few minutes Camila remained silent while the bartender tried to get the Cuban to talk to him.

"C'mon lady, talk to me." The creep tries to sound seductive but failed miserably.

"I don't talk to strangers." Camila replied, not looking at the creep.

"I'm n-" the creep started to speak again when Camila felt a presence next to her and her arm go around her shoulders.

"Hey baby." She heard a familiar voice speak. She turned around to see the same man who'd saved her life almost a month ago.

"Hey S-shawn." She stuttered, hesitant about his name. But when he smiled at her she knew she'd gotten it right.

"This your girl dude?" The creepy bartender asked Shawn.

"Yea. And if I see you trying to get with my girl one more time.. you won't live another day." Shawn stood you, talking lowly and firmly to the bartender who cowered in fear. The creep nodded and walked to the other side of the bar.

"So you save me once again." Camila smiled, as Shawn sat back down.

"Mhm. You need to stop getting yourself into trouble Camila." Shawn smirked.

"You remembered my name?" Camila asked, surprised.

"You remembered mine?" Shawn asked the Cuban, raising an eyebrow at her.

"How could I forget the stranger that saved me from potential danger? Twice, now." Camila smiled

"So, what is your fine self doing in a bar all alone?" Shawn asked the Cuban who sighed with a small grin.

"I came with my bestfriend. But she's .. occupied." Camila grinned making Shawn chuckle.

"Also, I'm sorry I didn't call you. I was just so busy and I-" Camila started to rant when Shawn shushed her.

"It's alright Mila. I can call you that right? Mila?" Shawn rose an eyebrow.

"Yea." Camila grinned.


He beat her to it. He made the first move. Camila quickly closed the distance shawn had working on closing himself, pressing her lips against his, the ones She's spent the last half an hour staring at. And god, is he worth the wait.

"I wanted to make the first move, but you beat me to it. I'm impressed." The Cuban whispered into his ear, hoisting her right leg around his torso.

"Does that surprise you?" Shawn murmurs as his fingers tangled in camila's hair.

"I don't get surprised, Shawn." Camila returns her leg to the ground, pulling away. "You're a good kisser."

"Then why'd you stop kissing me?" He tilts his head and raises an eyebrows

Camila rolls her eyes before pulling him closer to her once more to kiss him deeply.

"Go our with me?" He asked, pulling away breathlessly.

"I don't go out with strangers." Camila smirks playfully.

"Well luckily we're not strangers Cabello." Shawn smirked, going back to kiss the Cuban.


How was this?? I haven't written much in weeks so it's kinda sloppy but 🤷🏻‍♀️

This was a little inspired by cabello-shipper 's imagines, go check her out, they're much better than mine 😂 I'm obsessed with her writing style.

Q: favourite song at the moment?

A: the lover remix ft Shawn!! (I could die Shawn's verse is so cute)


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