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Based off of a story I once read :)
A/N : this imagine is mostly about physical change and obviously as this is   a Camila and Shawn imagines book that means that there will be talk of Camila changing her physical appearance. And when that appears please do not be offended by it, Camila is beautiful in her own way and in no way is this imagine made to mock her physical attributes. (Some of these arm made up since this is just an imagine)



Camila Cabello was a insecure teenager. Like all other teens, she too, has feelings and was always self-critical. She hated her way thick thighs and pudgy stomach. She hated her thick eyebrows that sort of met in the middle in the middle of her forehead. She hated her hairy arms and legs. She hated those god damned hairs that would come back within a week of waxing.

Her family was doing well, financially. So when Camila asked her mother for money for some surgeries, her mother wasn't hesitant to hand over the insane amount of money to Camila. Camila's relationship with her mother was practically non-existant.

Her mother was probably the most beautiful woman in the world. Camila had inherited all her looks and all the hair from her dad. Camila's mother was not happy by camila's physical appearance. She gagged at it. So when Camila announces she wanted to get surgeries done to fix her appearance, her mother happily gave Camila the money.

Camila herself was excited to see her new appearance. The day after, she booked all types of surgeries to 'fix her body', as she put it. After a couple months of surgery after surgery and healing, Camila finally felt satisfied by how she looked.

She'd gotten laser hair removal so all the hair on her body was gone now. She'd gotten all the fat out of her thighs and stomach. Even though she'd had surgery for those things she was still advised to start eating healthy and exercise to prevent from gaining weight again.

Camila had also gotten permanent eyelash extensions so now they were longer and fuller. She had gotten multiple lip injections over the few months and now her lips were fuller than before. She'd gotten her usually brown ashy hair dyed a jet black. They now shined like never before. on top of that she'd also gotten permanent hair extensions put in.

Her skin was soft, hair was long, lips were fuller, eyelashes longer, and her frame was slimmer. Camila was satisfied. And her mom... her mom was simply over the moon excited.
She was with Camila 24/7, helping her with the perfect clothes to hug her figure, cooking healthy meals for her, getting her a physical fitness trainer as well.

Although Camila was satisfied with her looks. There was still one tiny thing missing in her life. Her one and only bestfriend, Shawn Mendes. Growing up Camila didn't have any friends because of how different she looked compared to the other girls. Except for Shawn. Shawn was the only kid who talked to her, played with her, and let her cry on his shoulder, and consoled her.

Soon enough, Camila had developed serious feelings for the Canadian but she kept them hidden as she felt Shawn would never like her because of how she looked. So she cherished him as he was to her, a friend.

Sadly he too, was ripped away from her at the age of 15, when he was signed to a music label. And off he went, to start his musical career. It had been 7 years now. And Camila dreadfully missed shawn. And now that Camila felt she was beautiful, she was ready to meet shawn again.

So she asked her mother for money to book a plane. She knew how famous shawn had become. And she followed many of his fan accounts so she was always updated on where he was and where he was going. She'd just found out that Shawn would be in Texas. So as soon as her mom handed her the money, she booked a flight, packed a small bag and headed to the airport.

She endured the 5 hour long flight rather impatiently, even though it was first class and there were many things in first class for her to busy herself in, Camila couldn't wait to see her bestfriends face again.

She'd seen many pictures of the handsome Canadian throughout the years. And god had he grown into a proper man. His jaw was more defined, his eyes had gotten softer even though he still had that lazy eye. His hair had definitely gotten longer and his curls were crazy as well. His braces were gone now leaving perfect straight white teeth. And his muscles, god his muscles were everything.

As soon as the planes landed, Camila took off her seat belt, and prepared herself to meet Shawn again.


Writing part 2 next, it was getting way too long for just one part :)


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