Walk away

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"Shawn I.. I cheated on you." I muttered softly.


"Okay. Okay." Shawn spoke calmly, confusing me.

He sighed before walking up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" I asked him starting to walk after him.

He said nothing except wave for me stay downstairs. I paused and he went to our room and shut the door. I waited and waited for him till lunch, I took a nap on the couch after that and he still was in our room upstairs.

I waited till dinner and that's when everything went totally downhill.

I was sitting at in the living room, waiting for shawn when I heard wheels scrape the floor and bumps and footsteps. I turned to look and there was shawn carrying a big suitcase down the stairs.

"Shawn. What're you doing?" I asked him. He looked at me, no emotion in his eyes whatsoever, sighed and started walk towards the front door.

That's when it clicked for me.

"No. Shawn. You can't leave." I said running towards him and held him by his arm. He paused but said nothing.

"No Shawn, come on we can sort this out, please!" I begged him

"Let. Me. Go." He gritted.

"Shawn. No..!" I whispered as tears came to my eyes. It was all my fault.

"Atleast stay here. This is your house. I should be the one leaving." I said, my grip on his arm not softening.

He snatched his arm away from mine and opened the door harshly.

"Keep the house." He muttered angrily and left, shutting the door in my face.

I didn't try to stop him.

I let him walk away.


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