Boyfriend Material

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"Strong jaw, fluffy looking hair, and those abs. Definitely fuckable." Ariana spoke. Camila slapped her on the arm.

"A-And he seems s-sweet too." She stuttered out. Camila giggled.

"Definitely boyfriend material Baby C." Taylor stated, resting her chin on her hand.

"Okay you guys. Stop staring. He's gonna see us." Camila spoke, swivelling her chair around and picking up her drink from the counter.

It was a Friday night, the three friends had just barely passed their monthly exams, and they were in desperate need of a night out.

"Go over and talk to him." Ariana said, pushing Camila off of her stool to sit in it instead.

"Hey!" Camila exclaimed, tugging at the end of the extremely short black dress she's been forced into by none other than Ariana herself.

"Hi." Someone replied. And it wasn't Ariana.. or Taylor. The Cuban turned around and came to face a chest. She looked up to see the same man she'd been dreamily staring at all night.

"You wanna check out more drinks?" Taylor asked Ariana with a glint in her eye. Ariana smirked at Camila and agreed with Taylor, leaving their best friend alone to deal with the man of her dreams.

"So, hi." The guy spoke up, bringing camila's attention away from her friends and back to him.

"Hi... again." Camila replies, balancing herself on her tippy toes. This guy was incredibly tall.

"I'm.. Shawn. My friends over there," he paused, to point over to a group of guys who were laughing wildly at a joke.

"They told me you were definitely girlfriend material." Shawn our air quotes around those words and blushed.

The Cuban giggled.

"Well, if it helps, my friends were also talking about you being totally boyfriend material." Camila shrugged and Shawn grinned, looking down at his shiny boots.

"Wanna get a drink?" Shawn offered.

"Nah. Designated driver. Gotta got the other two home, safe." Camila smiled, pointing at her two best friends chugging shot after shot near the far end of the bar.

"Your stare was holding

Ripped jeans, skin was showin'

Hot night, wind was blowin'

Where you think you're going baby?"

"This is my favourite song," Camila squealed, grabbing Shawn's hands unexpectedly.

"Let's go dance!" She squealed once again, leading them to the almost packed dance floor as Shawn mumbled words of protest.

"I can't dance!" He shouted over the music.

"Silly, everyone can dance, come on!" Camila laughed, moving her body to the beat of the music.

She flipped her hair as she danced happily to the song.

"Come on shawn, move it!" She giggled, holding his hands once again dancing with him.

Slowly but surely, the Canadian began to slowly move his hips to the beat 'til he became confident.

"Watch me salsa!" He shouted and began to show the Cuban his famous salsa moves.

Camila laughed, "I love that!"

She started to copy his moves, people stared at the two as they danced weirdly, but the two didn't care, it was like it was just the two of them in their own little world.

"Before you came into my life

I missed you so bad

I missed you so bad

I missed you so so bad

Before you came into my life

I missed you so bad.."

The Cuban sang along to the lyrics, starting to dance around Shawn, as the sing started to end. She stood in front of him as he stared at her with a big grin. She sang the next line, pulling him closer to her.

"And you should know that

So call me maybe."

She stood high on her tippy toes, and bumped her nose against his lightly, making him break out into a cute smile that made her heart melt.

He grabbed her face and planted a small kiss on her lips, making her smile wider than she already was.

"I think I kinda like you." The Cuban shrugged, still smiling.

"I think I kinda like you too." Shawn grinned.


Wooh. Okay. Hi. Wow. I've been gone for two weeks.

But wow just found out my ex has already found someone new. Great. Love that. Woopee.
*deep breaths* going to sleep.


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