Literal Blind Date (Pt. 3)

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Waking up, the Canadian groaned, his eyes burning from some form of light he couldn't really place since he couldn't see. He felt around the bed for the small Cuban and patted her arm softly. She groaned as she woke up.

"Yes baby..?" She murmured sleepily.

"There's some light coming.. it hurts.." Shawn spoke wincing as a few tears leaked from his eyes. He wasn't crying, it was just too much light for his blind eyes to handle.

"Oh shit.." Camila muttered. Shawn felt the bed shift weight, and a few seconds later the pain was gone.

"Sorry, the blinds wet open." Camila spoke softly, getting back under the warm covers.

"Sorry for waking you up darling.." Shawn spoke and sweetly kissed the Cubans shoulder, making her smile.

"It's okay baby, I had to get up in an hour anyways for work." Camila spoke, gently stroking shawns jaw.

"Sometimes I wish I could see you. Just one glimpse atleast." The Canadian spoke after a few moments of peaceful silence.

"I wish I could see the world, and not have to always have people help me walk around or do simple things such as just walking somewhere or eating without spilling everywhere." Shawn spoke as his body racked with sobs.

"Shawn.. baby, don't cry.. please." Camila muttered placing soft kisses on his eyelids.

"Someday you will see the world Shawn. You'll be able to go places on your own, be able to do things on your own, text random girls on the internet on your own.." Camila spoke making Shawn chuckle at the last part.

"All I'm saying is, don't lose hope baby.. the doctor said there's multiple procedures, they just need a good donor.. and once we find one.. you'll be able to see and do stuff on your own." Camila spoke on.

"And if I don't? What if they never find a donor? Then what?" Shawn mustered sadly.

"Then I'll be your eyes Shawn. I'll be the ones telling you not to step here and to go wherever, I'll be the ones helping you look out.. and I'll never betray you or leave you baby. Never." Camila spoke softly, kissing Shawn for good measure.

"I love you so much." Shawn sobbed.

"I love you too.. so so much." Camila sniffled into shawns neck.


A few weeks later, there sat the Cuban at her desk at work, calling the doctor.

"Doctor Roslyn speaking." Came thé voice of the eye surgeon.

"Hi. Doctor Roslyn. This is Camila." Camila spoke in her soft voice.

"Ah. Ms Cabello, I was just about to call you."

"You were?" Camila asked, her heart thudding in anticipation.

"Yes. It appears we have finally found a donor."


That settled it. As soon as the Cuban found the news she knew this would be perfect thing for Shawn. Plus it'd be like a pre-birthday gift too. The surgery was scheduled for the 7th of August, and tomorrow was that day.

Camila was excited, to say the least.

The day of the surgery, a few hours before, the Cuban decided to finally break the news to shawn.

"Shawn. I have a surprise for you." Camila spoke with a wide grin.

"What's up babe.." Shawn spoke

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