BFB (Pt. 2)

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"Finally." Aaliyah smirked at a blushing Ariana.

Ariana had started dating again. She'd dated a lot of guys in the past but hadn't had a serious relationship in forever. So now when she finally got a boyfriend it was kind of a big deal.

"Hey babe, I have free period so I'm just going out for some coffee, you need anything?" Dalton, Ariana's new boyfriend suddenly appeared, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"No I'm good." Ariana grinned up at him.

"Ok." He kissed her cheek, waved at Aaliyah and Camila, and walked off.

"OOOH she's blushing." Aaliyah squealed looking at Ariana's reddened cheeks.

The two giggled. Ariana's eyes fell on Camila's emotionless ones.

"Camz, you okay?" She questioned pulling Camila out of her trance.

"Huh? Yeah I'm okay." Camila cleared her throat glancing away from the staircase, where Shawn Mendes was stood, talking to his friends.

Ariana followed Camila's glance and immediately understood what was going on inside her bestfriends head.

"Hey, you guys wanna skip next period?" Ariana questioned quietly.

"Why?" Camila questioned, confused.

"We all have AP Lang after this, I think we'd be okay if we skipped it. Mr Brown loves us anyways, he won't mind. " Ariana shrugged.

"Yeah, but why?" Aaliyah now questioned.

"B-because I'm tired of sitting in this building." Ariana shrugged hesitantly.

Camila knotted her eyebrows as Aaliyah agreed with Ariana.


5 mins before the start of next period.

"Liyah, listen." Ariana whispered, pulling her aside from the crowd of students going to their lockers to take out books for their next class.

"What's up?" Aaliyah asked causally.

"You need to do something about Camila." Ariana whispered urgently.

"What?" Aaliyah asked, confused.

"She's miserable Liyah. Don't you see it? She's always glancing at Shawn sadly. And I know she's never going to go after him because he's your brother and your friendship means more to her than anything else." Ariana explained. "I mean isn't it better that Camila, your best friend, would end up with your brother rather than some weird girl your brother brings home?" It's not so bad that she likes him. C'mon Liyah you know that."

"I- I guess.." Aaliyah stuttered our, the gears shifting in her head.

"Yeah? Don't you think Camila could make your brother happy? Wouldn't you want Camila to be happy?" Ariana asked. "You need to stop thinking about how weird it will be. Yes of course it will be weird but you'll get used to it."

"I mean.. I guess yeah. You're right." Aaliyah sighed. "God I've been an awful friend."

"You can help Camila, help her get the man she loves." Ariana smiled.

"Woah she loves him?" Aaliyah questioned.

"She probably hasn't even admitted it to herself, but don't you see the way she looks at him?" Ariana muttered. She turned and saw Camila heading their way, books in her hand.

She turned to Aaliyah, "You know what to do." She spoke firmly before starting up a cheerful conversation with Camila leaving Aaliyah thinking...


Tadaaaa part 2!!!

Part 3 is coming sOon too!! 😂

Q: HELLOO anyone noticed Ariana started dating Dalton Gomez???
Soo happy for herrr eeee 😁


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