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It happened just a couple weeks after the breakup. The Cuban already wasn't coping well with the fact that her magical relationship of 7 years had ended in a matter of a few days. Along with that, she'd lost her bestfriend too.

At the starting of the relationship, Camila was scared to commit to the relationship with her Canadian best friend. But he assured her that they would be forever and their friendship would never be harmed. Slowly, the small Cuban came to believe those words.

She didn't know why it happened, it just did. They grew apart. When she was asleep, he'd be awake, and when she was awake he'd be at the studio. When she was on tour, he was recording for his next album so he couldn't visit, when he was on tour, she couldn't visit.

So the two had called it quits. And in a matter of 3 days, the rest of the world had gotten to know. How? Camila had no idea. But now everyone knew.

She'd been releasing new singles before the split happened and had planned many interviews. She couldn't back out now. So she agreed to do them. The day right after the split, she had an interview, she wasn't asked any questions about it since no one knew. After the world had gotten to know, all interviewers were forbidden to ask anything about it.


Today was the day. Today was the day Camila performed the song she had written for him. She hadn't had a clue about what was coming her way when she wrote the song and released it. But now she had to perform it. And she couldn't back out.

The day went by slowly for the Cuban. She got out of bed. Slowly.

She tried to conceal the bags under her eyes.

She got herself ready for her performance with the help of her stylists. She felt numb. She hadn't cried since the breakup. Not a single tear, not one. She was just... numb.

Quietly, she'd made her way inside the studio where the Ellen show was supposed to take place.

She did the interview. Answering with polite and short replies. Everyone could see it, feel it. Her heavy, tired looking eyes, her short breaths for air every now and then, her small coughs, her over-glossed eyes and her red cheeks. Probably the cause of trying to stop those tears from making a sudden entrance.

Slowly she got up and went to stand on the stage, ready to perform her love song for the first time. But was she really ready?

In his condo, in Toronto, there sat the Canadian, his eyes glued to the tv. His eyes were red, cheeks were puffy, nose blocked, from crying uncontrollably every day. The breakup wasn't easy on him either. He loved her but he couldn't bear to see the hurt look in her eyes when they couldn't spend even a minute together.

He could see it, in the way the Cuban carried herself nowadays. She had taken the breakup really hard as well. How couldn't they? They'd spent 7 years together, and even more as friends too. And now that, that was all gone.

As the ads stopped and Ellen herself appeared on the tv screen announcing camila's performance, Shawn sat up straighter in his couch, waiting to see the beautiful face of the Cuban once again.

The beat started and Camila straightened up, tapping her foot on the floor.

"You smiled over your shoulder

For a minute, I was stone cold, sober

I pulled you closer to my chest

And you asked me to stay over

I said, I already told ya

I think that you should get some rest.."

Camila sang into the mic, skipping the first part of the song, since her collaborator wasn't here to sing with her.

"I knew I loved you then

But you'd never know

'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of

letting go

I knew I needed you

But I never showed..."

Camila sang, her voice still quite steady.

"But I wanna stay with you

Until we're grey and old

Just say you won't let go.."

Camila's voice started to waver a little bit, tears started to spring up and she pushed them back trying to numb herself again.

"J-just say y-you w-" her voice was cut off by a sob. She tried to continue, but failed and dropped the mic in distress.

She held her hands to her face and cried into them as the beat stopped and fans started to feel saddened by their idols pain.

Watching from his couch at home, the Canadians eyes watered seeing his love cry into her hands.  The last thing he saw was her teared stained face before they took a sudden break and a few apologising words appeared on the screen before the ads started one again.

Reaching her dressing room the Cuban finally shed more tears. She cried for what felt like hours. She cried for a broken relationship. She cried for her bestfriend, she cried for the love of her life.

And just a few seconds later she lost all breath and fainted, muttering the one name that she'd always remember.





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