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A/N: this is like a second part to family, but I didn't want to name it that since it's not like a continuation. Just the roles are reversed 🤷🏻‍♀️.

This is for you holyyshawn 💓



"Fuck baby, I can't do this." Shawn muttered, walking away from the mirror, to sit on the bed.

Camila chuckled, walking towards her boyfriend.

"You'll be fine, mama will love you and so will Sofi." Camila soothed.

"And what about your dad?" Shawn asked.

"He might strangle you at first, but then you'll be fine." Camila joked. And then laughed at the Canadians horrified expression.

"I'm just joking baby, calm down." She laughed running her hand through his messy curls. He leaned back into her touch.

"Don't scare me like that, cabello." Shawn muttered, his eyes closed.

"Jeez Okay. Now get ready, we leave in 20 minutes." Camila spoke sternly, and walked into the bathroom to change.

Soon, the Cuban stepped out of the bathroom dressed in a high waisted, red skirt and a cute blue-green polka dotted frilly bralette.

"I would say you look absolutely gorgeous babe, but I'm really nervous." Shawn spoke, gritting his teeth.

Camila laughed, "It's alright.. - Erm Shawn.."

"What?" He asked the Cuban, confused.

"You're wearing two different coloured socks." The Cuban said, pointing to Shawn's feet. One of them was covered with a bright orange sock, while the other was a maroon-purple.

"Shit." Shawn cursed, fumbling through the drawers to try and find a matching pair. When he failed to do so, he gave up and fell onto the bed with a huff. He honestly looked like he was about to cry.

"Oh shawn." Camila shook her head, finding the other maroon sock hiding under a pillow. She handed it to him and put it on with ease along with his black signature boots.

"How do I look? How's my hair?" Shawn asked, looking at himself in the mirror and tampering with his shirt, pants, and hair.

"Jesus, Shawn." Camila rolled her eyes, standing in front of him, her head reaching his chin from the help of the golden heels she was wearing. She tucked Shawn's messed up shirt back inside his pants, adjusted his pants a little, and combed through his messy hair once or twice with her fingers.

"There. Handsome as ever." Camila complimented, making Shawn blush.

"Now can we go?" Camila looked up the Canadian who nodded with a small smile.


On the way to Camila's parents house, Shawn had already had about 3 more meltdowns. Scared that he was gonna crash the car, Camila took over on the driving.

By the time he had greeted her parents and all 5 of them were sitting at the dining room table, Shawn's nervousness had gone down a couple notches.

"The enchiladas are amazing Mrs Cabello." Shawn spoke, finishing up his third enchilada.

"Oh thank you dear, but call me Sinu." Camila's mother smiled politely. Shawn grinned.

"So shawn.." Alejandro, Camila's father, started to speak. "What do you plan with my daughter? Are you going to keep seeing each other? Are you wanting to marry her sometime in the future-" Alejandro bombarded him with questions.

"Papa, please don't start." Camila spoke, gritting her teeth.

"What mija? I'm just asking." Alejandro reasoned.

"It's alright babe." Shawn whispered to Camila and turned back to her father. "I love your daughter, sir, and in the future, I would love to make her my wife, she's my everything."

Alejandro nodded, grumbling under his breath, while Shawn grinned at a blushing Camila.


"That wasn't so bad." Camila spoke. They were now back at their shared apartment, laying in bed, watching tv.

"It wasn't, except it seems like your dad hates my guts." Shawn frowned.

Camila snorted, "He was like that with Matthew too, but he never thawed with him, with you, he'll cool off in no time."

"Uhuh, and how are you so convinced?" Shawn questioned the Cuban.

"Because you're a definite upgrade from Matthew." Camila blurts out, blushing slightly afterwards.

Shawn smirks, "I am, aren't I?"

"Okay, don't get too cocky mendes." Camila laughed, throwing a pillow at him.


Honestly, crap. 💩

Also, for the first time ever, i witnessed someone faint during class today. Honestly scared me shitless.

P.s go check out my new book that I'm working on, it's called Love Me. And once again it's Shawn related. I've updated about 6 chapters I think..
Also my frickin left hand hurts for no reason, I don't even use it to write or anything. What should I do, it's fricking killing me

P.s.s thenkuuu for 20k READS *mind blown*

Q: funniest thing that ever happened to u around ur best friends?

A: lmao one of my friends was making the 'why u so obsessed w me' tiktok during free period and her crush passed by and looked at her weird and she turned beetroot red 😂


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